we dont cause trouble, we dont bother nobody


Why do they always do it to themselves. Im just cruising along minding my business when those two headlights of a charger/mustang/some souped up car with a driver who has a big ego. they get all close and i speed up a little and eventually that last car in the other lane is gone and there is nothing but open road in front of both of us. i think to myself that surely he knows that i am on a motorcycle and he in a cage. and further more i am on a hayabusa and he is STILL in a cage. I think to myself that no way he would think of challenging me. but then it inevitably happens. he drops back a little and then floors it to get a bit of a jump on me......smh i hear the sound of his turbo that can surely beat any thing on the planet right????? WRONG so he passes me going way faster thinking he has a win on his hands. So i politely shift into reel him in gear(aka 2nd) catch up with him, take a glance in his car and shift into hurt his feelings gear (aka 3rd) and proceed to two make those two headlights become very small in my side mirrors. i wanted to stop and ask him if he was sane, did he think i was a 600. what could prompt him to take such a suicidal decision....never got a chance cause he immediately took the first u-turn he saw :rofl: am i wrong for smiling at his pain?
i used to be a car guy myself. never realised how fast bikes were until i got a busa. i just wish all the years and $$ i spent on cars (making them run low 10's and still being able to drive them on the street) would have been spent on a bike. most bikes run mid/low 10's out of the box. and no the "car guys" dont know how fast bikes are or they ran up against a katana 600 or something and think they can spank anything. its the nature of the beast. MAN I GOT A CHEVY!!!!!!!!!!!

about 2 weeks ago i had a guy in a new craparo try me on the highway. phleeeeesssseee! it was just sad. i let him jump out front like he was doing something then i pulled beside him, waved and.......well you know the rest.
I wont waste my time with mustangs or any other car less then 450HP. They usually do it to get a show, like the idiots giving you the wheelie signal..
I had a run in a couple of days ago with a newer Porsche Carreara Turbo which was pretty quick and I had to go WOT to prevent embarassment. Looked up the specs later and they are making 550HP 0-60 in 3.1 , 10.40's in the 1/4 mile with a top speed of 194, thankfully I didnt make the mistake on the interstate and have my ass handed to me by a "cager"
I can think of a few local cars that would give even a Turbo Busa a run for its money on the highway. low boost but Turbo nonetheless. but when its the 12 second acuras:whistle: I see ur point
When I see those clowns!! I just say no with my head and stay away from them!! I'm out having a good time, not looking for trouble. I had 3 kids on an older "FORD EXPLORER" the other day just being stupid and chasing me on heavy traffic. I just pulled over and waited a few seconds for them to leave me behind. I don't want some stupid kid with a learner's permit to run me over.
ive known a few cars that could give just about any bike a run for their money... both here and in phoenix but then again ive always known the serious car guys
This sorta action doesn't bother me at all.....most of these dudes know of or have heard about the awesome power of the 'busa >>> they juz wanna see it up close with their own eyes!!!

Occasionally, if I'm in a bit of a cheeky mood.....I'll let them get the holeshot off the lights, pretending I'm not interested at all....and then after they have at least a 10 or 12 car-length lead.....float the front wheel up to balance point in either 1st or 2nd, fly past with the front end high in the sky and give 'em the obligatory quick sideways grin :hello:, then snag 3rd thru to 4th & then maybe 5th (...depending on how much straight road is left)! Eventually touching the front down somewhere between 100-130 mph (big squeal & smoke :firedevil:), have a look in the mirrors.....and they are usually just a tiny speck in the far-off background!!

Ahhhhhhh.....ya gotta keep it fun (...and exciting), hey!?! :thumbsup:
A kill is a kill :laugh:

Yup, I WHOOPED a minivan earlier. She acted like she didnt know we were racing, but she adjusted her radio, a sure challenge to race. It was over before it started, my record is 7,654-1. A Prius caught me sleeping at a light....
Yup, I WHOOPED a minivan earlier. She acted like she didnt know we were racing, but she adjusted her radio, a sure challenge to race. It was over before it started, my record is 7,654-1. A Prius caught me sleeping at a light....

:rofl: :rofl: I'm crying here! :rofl: :rofl:
I embarrass every fool with a car with a fart can, little sporty 4 banger, mustangs that are "so fast", and anything else people have egos about. Especially if they have girls in their car they are trying to impress. Since the new V&H header and Alien Head, the exhaust sounds a lot more intimidating. But around here, no one has a cager that runs anything close to the busa.

Yup, I WHOOPED a minivan earlier. She acted like she didnt know we were racing, but she adjusted her radio, a sure challenge to race. It was over before it started, my record is 7,654-1. A Prius caught me sleeping at a light....

You white busas embarrass us.....
lankeeyankee said:
I wont waste my time with mustangs or any other car less then 450HP. They usually do it to get a show, like the idiots giving you the wheelie signal..
I had a run in a couple of days ago with a newer Porsche Carreara Turbo which was pretty quick and I had to go WOT to prevent embarassment. Looked up the specs later and they are making 550HP 0-60 in 3.1 , 10.40's in the 1/4 mile with a top speed of 194, thankfully I didnt make the mistake on the interstate and have my ass handed to me by a "cager"

Yeah I'm usually surprised how many people do the wheelie thing. I've been in the middle of curves in heavy traffic and here these dummies are talking bout wheelie
I was in Bellevue Wa., the "Arrogant BMW Driver" capitol of the world (I think) and they always want to race. I had a rolling start as I was doing the speed limit as he pulled out of a gas station. Heard his engine rev up real high. I didn't even have to downshift, just gave it a little more gas. And I was on my Yamaha FZ1 at the time. It was like taking candy from a baby, giving it back and taking it again.

The other day a 750 cruiser wanted to race. (He revved his engine and looked over.) Let him get ahead a little and then smoked him. He slowed way down as I passed, as if a race was not his intention.
Lost count how many times I have been "dared" but not even once did I bite. I could not forgive myself if an accident (mine, the other guy or other drivers with families in their cars) resulted from racing in the street. Plus really have nothing to prove to anyone anyway. :beerchug: Ride safe peeps.
A few years back i had a bagger say his was faster because he had more CCs than i had....i just laughed

Actually had a guy in a mini van try and take me on the highway,i just stayed right by the passenger window looking at him ...then just pulled away and laughed

Many " hey do a wheelie for me"...i just shake my head no...

Ow the fun of driving :whistle: