Why do they always do it to themselves. Im just cruising along minding my business when those two headlights of a charger/mustang/some souped up car with a driver who has a big ego. they get all close and i speed up a little and eventually that last car in the other lane is gone and there is nothing but open road in front of both of us. i think to myself that surely he knows that i am on a motorcycle and he in a cage. and further more i am on a hayabusa and he is STILL in a cage. I think to myself that no way he would think of challenging me. but then it inevitably happens. he drops back a little and then floors it to get a bit of a jump on me......smh i hear the sound of his turbo that can surely beat any thing on the planet right????? WRONG so he passes me going way faster thinking he has a win on his hands. So i politely shift into reel him in gear(aka 2nd) catch up with him, take a glance in his car and shift into hurt his feelings gear (aka 3rd) and proceed to two make those two headlights become very small in my side mirrors. i wanted to stop and ask him if he was sane, did he think i was a 600. what could prompt him to take such a suicidal decision....never got a chance cause he immediately took the first u-turn he saw
am i wrong for smiling at his pain?