We just bought a busa.

congratz on your dad and his busa and... as for you,

Don't even remotely think about getting on that busa.  It's not a bike it's a low flying cruise missle.
I have to agree but with the last post.... but your dad's guidance for a slow initiation would be OK. I don't even let my youngest son (21) ride mine. But I have to say that you sound pretty mature for a youngster...so that being said....if you get to run that new prize just remember that you MUST respect it's power and know that it is really not a toy!!!! BE SAFE!!!!!! Wear gear.....etc, etc.....just a mom talking and caring.
Congrats and welcome, to the both of you. Oh yeah, and it goes double what scootergirl said.

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Welcome to the maddness.... nice scoot

Baltimore, MD uh... my old stomp'n ground, where at in B-more are u?

I lived in Woodbridge and graduated from Woodlawn.
 Welcome to the maddness....  nice scoot

Baltimore, MD uh... my old stomp'n ground, where at in B-more are u?  

I lived in Woodbridge and graduated from Woodlawn.
I'm in parkville right by the shopping center. And yes I know this is a dangerous and very fast bike and I doubt that he would let me ride that anytime soon(atleast not for a few years). But yeah guys I know it is something to respect. We also have a race car nova that runs 8.90's @150 or so. Me my dad and brother are a bunch of car heads really peticularly General motors. My dad has always had bikes and had some fast ones here and there so he knows how to ride pretty well especially in a straight line lol. There is something about this bike tho that just absolutely stands out to me, besides being the fastest production bike I think it is gorgeous.
Congrats to your Dad! He really needs to step up and say hi...bunch of great members here and we all get together and ride a few times a year. Guys come from MD, NC, West VA, VA...

Tell him congrats and welcome to the board!

Hey, why aren't you in school?!
Welcome, and nice bike. Now for the rest of you. What is this older and mature stuff. I'm 47. Does that mean I have to grow up and or be mature. Cause' I'm not gonna do either and you can't make me...

Congrats to your Dad!  He really needs to step up and say hi...bunch of great members here and we all get together and ride a few times a year.  Guys come from MD, NC, West VA, VA...

Tell him congrats and welcome to the board!

Hey, why aren't you in school?!  
An ice storm is coming through maryland, as a precaution they let us stay home..
Congrats to your Dad!  He really needs to step up and say hi...bunch of great members here and we all get together and ride a few times a year.  Guys come from MD, NC, West VA, VA...

Tell him congrats and welcome to the board!

Hey, why aren't you in school?!  
An ice storm is coming through maryland, as a precaution they let us stay home..
Good deal...sorry, it's the "Mom" in me...

How come we are just getting rain?! I want to go home early!!
C'mon 06PearlWhtBusa , work on your dad to let you ride the Busa. My son is 14 and he is making blasts on the Busa and my gixx already. Seeing you are in B'more you should see him runnin the 1/4 next spring at Capitol. But we mostly hang out at the Creek. At 125 pounds he should run some good numbers even with and average 60'.
So far the bike has been 9.18 with a 140 pound rider so he should get it into the 30's with a easy 60' next year when I let him step up from the Gixx750. And he is already leaving on the Busa better than average now.
Should be fun next year...........
Welcome bud, I love the title on this thread, shows the close family relationship. Very cool. Have fun.
Congrats to your Dad!  He really needs to step up and say hi...bunch of great members here and we all get together and ride a few times a year.  Guys come from MD, NC, West VA, VA...

Tell him congrats and welcome to the board!

Hey, why aren't you in school?!  
What Michelle No love for our brethren from Kentucky. You didn't forget about Nathan did ya...
Welcome young man!

Tell dad to lose the reflectors. And when he wants a custom set of grill screens, drop me an email.

Tom (in Stafford)
(aka Postal)

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Congrats to your Dad!  He really needs to step up and say hi...bunch of great members here and we all get together and ride a few times a year.  Guys come from MD, NC, West VA, VA...

Tell him congrats and welcome to the board!

Hey, why aren't you in school?!  
What Michelle No love for our brethren from Kentucky.  You didn't forget about Nathan did ya...
Oh yeah...sorry Nathan! I was thinking of the "regulars"...now, if Nathan and his lovely wife show up again, they'll be regulars too...