We lost yet another one.....

When he told me what he paid for it, my jaw hit the roadway. He tried to convince me it was a very reasonable price. I still didn't buy it considering I paid $13,800 for a new VTX1800 back in 05 and it was much higher quality than the Heritage Softail.

Hey now... I also have a HD Heritage Classic Softail and I beg to differ in the whole quality thingy. VERY dependable motorcycle, have a friend who has 248,000 miles on his 96' don't know to many Busa's that can say that. Also, I can tell you that NO other manufacture offers as many custom features as Harley, combine that with having 60% of the world market and its hard to argue about price! Now, don't get me wrong I'm Zuke to the bone, but also love my HD. :poke:
I hope I didn't start a H-D vs Hayabusa pissing match. That wasn't the point. They don't have to be mutually exclusive.
I own both and wouldn't give either of them for love nor money. Bikes are like guns, they each serve a purpose. Can't hunt grouse with a .300 WinMag. And sure aint going to shoot a Buffalo with a .22. And the poor rabbit that gets wacked with a 10 Guage Shot gun.

OK I will stop I think you get the point.:whistle:
I love my busa, but would love to buy a HD. The thing is I want to get that HD and keep the busa, and have the best of both worlds, and I'm fairly young so hopefully some day I will be able to accomplish this dream.:beerchug:
No big loss... from the sounds of it he is going to be much safer riding something much slower. I say never buy something that will go faster than your thought processes... :rofl:
Hey now... I also have a HD Heritage Classic Softail and I beg to differ in the whole quality thingy. VERY dependable motorcycle, have a friend who has 248,000 miles on his 96' don't know to many Busa's that can say that. Also, I can tell you that NO other manufacture offers as many custom features as Harley, combine that with having 60% of the world market and its hard to argue about price! Now, don't get me wrong I'm Zuke to the bone, but also love my HD. :poke:

Quality is an opinion. I think the Japanese make higher quality goods than Americans. The reason you don't see Japanese bikes with 248,000 miles is that we treat these bikes as disposable, myself included. If we took care of them like HD riders, they too could withstand that mileage.
Quality is an opinion. I think the Japanese make higher quality goods than Americans. The reason you don't see Japanese bikes with 248,000 miles is that we treat these bikes as disposable, myself included. If we took care of them like HD riders, they too could withstand that mileage.

Well you may be on to something.... Maybe its the initial cost that makes you hang on to them! :whistle: