Too much pie? Hahahahahaah...almost inconceivable!
No, really, it's part of my 'expansion project.'
The leathers are bad in REALLY hot weather. In the winter, it's best to wear non-perforated leather, because it keeps the wind off you and the heat in... In the summer, you need the perforation to allow the leather to breathe.
Here in Cali, it's hard to know which to wear on some I mentioned in a different thread, it was 42 degrees at our furthest reach on Sunday morning, and those black leathers I'm wearing in the foregoing pix are perforated. It makes for chilliness. Under them, though, I was wearing thermals, so that helps counter act the ambient temps.
I have another set of leathers which is non-perforated and they're slightly larger on me, which is good, as it creates a pocket of warm air between me and the leather. A third set I have (here in Phoenix) is also perforated, but I haven't worn them since I got here, as I have yet to find the type of riding (locally) which generally dictates that type of protection.
Lastly, on the question asbout what other work I've had done to the bike...what do you mean?
She gets near monthly oil changes. I've had the entire front-end torn off (at 40k) for preventive steering head bearing replacement; fork seals, etc. I launched a thread about that...with pix. Aside from that, it's all about replacing the consumables, and after-market modifications.