Well I just bought and 06 M109R

Removed the speed limiter and saw 150 on the speedo at 7000 rpm. This is the Hayabusa of the V twins.:thumbsup::thumbsup:


M109 AUDI 006.jpg
I will be posting up the pictures tomorrow i promise!! i havent cleaned it yet and i brought it home on the trailer (open) and it started raining DOH. Today i finished putting the 08 busa together with a bunch of little mods:whistle: and a full yosh r77 exhaust. I will post some of them as well. Patience grasshopper!!:laugh:
UPDATED with pics Well I just bought and 06 M109R

well i still didnt clean the old girl yet since i cant get it out of my basement. the lawn is way to soft with the snow melt and the rain. The hayabusa also with a few mods here too. I will post more when i can get it outside and clean it and take the pics outside in the sunlight.:thumbsup:
Congrats. I owned an 06 M109R back in 2007 for 4 months and sold it. I loved the bike, loved the attention it got, HATED the seat. But I just felt like I was riding someone else's bike the whole time. I've always had sport bikes and that was my first attempt at a cruiser. IF I could afford both, then no problem. But the 08 Busa came out and I had to return to my true love. But if I win the lottery, I'll be getting me another M109R. Another gripe, HATED the shifter too. Had to kick the s**t out of it to hit 2nd. And according to the M109R forums, that's the nature of the beast. Enjoy it. They are truely stunning bikes. And will embarass a lot of bikes out there.