Well it's official...I leave for Thailand on Dec 22nd

sounds like a fun time :)

I have heard stories about Thailand... Dr? hotel room? missing kidney? :rofl:
OMG...every mans dream!!! OMG.....you are da man...OMG...Thail women...did I say OMG!!!

Merry Christmas and have a blast...Wardie

PS I have a passport of she needs a "Guy Friday" you know someone to get her coffe , transcribe notes, run errands...wifey said she'd like to get rid of me for a few months cuzz she'd have a vacation...Hmmmmmm LOL

:rofl: Larry that is hilarious. Some how I don't think the wifey wants you gone quite that bad :laugh: I'll send you some pics & you will have to live vicariously through me. :lol:

We may be in the same time zone for the month of January. Still waiting on travel approval from the company.

I'll keep in touch Dennis. Have a safe trip if you end up going.

Best of luck to you. Sorry we only got to ride once.(for a little while) My brother lived in Thailand for a while. He loved it. You can buy a lot of bootleg merchandise there.:whistle: What are you up to this weekend? PM me. I'd like to buy you a drink if you have the time. Best of luck to you.

Greg... :gotpm: