I think I know what ya mean a bit Rev......My wife finally convinced me to let her get a cat about a year and a half ago.......before she was even my wife.What? Maybe I don, wanna expose my sensitive underbelly...Give it a rest tuff guy......yer not all that!!!!!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, NOT the SUpport Group Thread again....AHHHHHHH!!!!!!
DO I havta?
Well I'm not gunna...
So there....
And how do you know I am not all that? I might be? WHAT?It could happen...
Umm...I am not really sure what the hell I am talking about
OK You want a bit of truth... My Cat that I had since I was 14 died a couple weeks ago. She was supposed to be my Moms cat but she kinda adopted me. The little kitten crawled into my bed her second night in the house, curled up above my head and had slept there for the last 18 years. She came with me to College, she came with me when I was stationed in Omaha, and she made the trip with me and the wife three years ago to Tampa.
I know she was just a cat, but she was probably my most reliable buddy. Allways there, curled up at the head of the bed, or next to me on the couch. She would come when called, and she was allways extremely vocal "talked a lot".
I am just now getting to where I do not keep trying to lay out food for her, looking for her when I get home from work, or reaching for her when I am sleeping.
She had a stroke, and was no longer able walk properly or get up on the bed. Years ago that was the deal I had made, the yardstick if you will, of cat health, when she couldn't get up on the bed and couldn't really enjoy life then it would be time. Well, I guess it was time...That same evening she took her last trip to the vet.
I always hated cats and swore I would never let one in the house.
Over the last little while, I've really grown to like the li'l orange fluffball.....does the curl up at the head of the bed thing to........I'd deffinately miss the li'l bugger if something happened to him.
I lost my dog of 18 years a little while back.......man did that suck........Coyote came into my garage......yes, into the garage and all but tore him to shreads before I could get out to help him.
I've never been so pissed of in my life.........actually killed almost every coyote in the area that year, I was so mad.
13 in all, and 5 Coydogs Shep Coyote crosses......haven't seen near as many of them buggers round here lately.......and if there's any animal rights folks out there that are thinking of giving me $hi!.....don't bother.........I loved every second of revenge I got for them taking my dog.....but sure wish he was still here.