West Coast Bound 10/19/18 for MCRD San Diego

Now I feel guilty bro,
just polished off almost a qt.
of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream
( in my usual one sitting ) ,
after a breakfast of 5 scrambled eggs,
sausage,toast w/strawberry preserves,
and a big glass of chocolate milk about 2 hours ago
( takes a lot to maintain this 265 fat ass lbs . )



HWY 79 to Ramona Expressway will add FUN to your journey ~ no need to stay on I-10 or take the 60 over to I-215 *


Our place is just south of Nuevo Rd ~ near the end of the San Jacinto River *
Now I feel guilty bro,just polished off almost a qt. of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream(in my usual one sitting),after a breakfast of 5 scrambled eggs,sausage,toast w/strawberry preserves,and a big glass of chocolate milk about 2 hours ago(takes a lot to maintain this 265 fat ass lbs.:laugh:).:super:
Sounds like my breakfast, but I only ate three eggs, so that I could put a piece of brownie in my ice cream bowl. :laugh:
phooey . bunch a light weights . When the dial starts going around again give me a call :) . Looks like I need to make a trip to the south west in the future .
Ontario land of 11 curves in 318 miles
And yeah . The Rexers are a pretty social bunch . As long as there is food and beer
Red snuck this picture while I was playing with the puppy.. I'm a little bit tired obviously.
Did not sleep well last night and California traffic got me on the way to Red's. It is beautiful out here, and Red is really 1st class putting me up. I give this BnB two thumbs up ;)
