What a drag!!!


Donating Member
So I mentioned in another thread that in my hotel I saw these "women" that I swear looked like guys.

And one of them was at breakfast this morning in a dress and "her" calves were bigger than mine, of course "she" was standing about 6'5

So I get back today from meeting with Sageronin (cool guy btw, cool boss. Lucky guy

And as I walk into my hotel I saw this unfolded board on the table top in the lobby.

You know, I am torn between trying to be sensitive and understanding and wanting to hurl all over the place.

I guess the best I can do is just post a picture and say I just don’t get it.

Do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law.

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BTW, there was a few really big ugly shemales (6’5, over 280lbs) I was thinking about getting to pose next to the poster.. but I couldn’t think of a way to do it with out it turning all bad and shid, I mean either the "individual" would think I was hitting on them, or they would think I was making fun of them.

I don’t think either scenario would have had a positive ending.

And I don’t want to spend the rest of my life telling people how I got the shid beat out of me by a shemale.

Doah… I would never live it down
I though a Veteran was a Veteran.
I can't say that I had ever served with a Trans. I knew of a few gays. They would pretty much just keep to themselves in the Army. The Pre-Clinton 'Don't ask. Don't tell.' policy.

It's beyond me.

Do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law.
I understood you other comment before you changed it, dont understand this one.  
It's Thelema:

The word Thelema is Greek and means Will. Essentially being a Thelemite means finding your true will (i.e. what is right for you to be doing, the path you should travel) and doing it. Thelema could be said to have been started as a magickal current by Aleister Crowley some years after he received Liber Al vel Legis (The Book of the Law) in Cairo in 1904.

There is a popular misconception that Thelema is all about Aleister Crowley. This is not true, Thelema is not a cult of personality. Although Crowley was influential in propagating the current as he perceived it, which is in the context of certain Egyptian deities, one does not have to be interested in him or his works to be a Thelemite. Anyone doing their will, be they Witch, Wiccan, Buddhist, Christian or whatever, is a Thelemite.

The essence of Thelema is contained within the axiom "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" and its rejoinder "Love is the law, love under will", and the statement "Every man and every woman is a star". Thus find your true will and do it under the constraints of the law, whose nature is love. Thelema recognises the divine potential in everyone - we are all stars in the body of Nuit (the Stellar Goddess) containing the divine spark within us.
That seems odd to me. As was mentioned above, a Veteran is a Veteran. Why call attention to the trans gender thing?? I dunno........... Then again, whatever floats their boat.

I would still thank them for their service.