Want to see what a 50 cal bullet does?

Greg -

To the best of my knowledge that is the real deal. non touched up photo.

I know I have shot things equivalent to a human head (I did not kill a living thing) with a rifle slug out of a shotgun and pretty much does the equivalent.

I have talked to people that are familiar with first hand witnessing of such events and it has been expressed to me that normally it take the head clean off.

I guess since the skull is harder due to bone than the flesh tissue of the neck, if the round hits just right the flesh can give way before the skull will resulting in decapitation

Not that I have ever witnessed that myself of course.
That was very sobering. That is a tough job but it must be done. Score one more for the good guys.

From a man who loves guns and is willing to protect my home and family at all costs, I pray I never have to do it. But if it is them or me, I'm bout to see what these Remington Golden Sabres will do going in and coming out, if it comes out !!
ouch -

thx for the view thrash
Yeah it was a good shot. Still think it was sad that it was required.

Kind of like I saw a cat that was run over by a car, no way was it going to live but it was laying there suffering and I couldn't let it suffer.. I just got home from work and didn't have anything with me, so I had to step really hard on his neck and twist real hard to snap its neck.

There were one man and a boy watching when I did it. the old man looked at me and freaked and got in his car and took off (he was the arse hole who ran it over) and the boy almost vomited.

Broke my fricken hear to have had to do that, but I hate even more to see something suffer.

I kind of look at it the same way with the suicide bomber. It was a fricken human life, it is sad to take any life. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

At least he had not clue to what happen to him, no suffering no terror... just one minute here, next not..... unlike the people that they tormented and tortured before they cut the heads off civilians while they were alive using a dull knife and with a sawing motion.
Yeah it is sad, it is a life, but it was better to get him before he got 8 to 18 other innocent people.