I got this in an email at work today. I don't know where it came from but it seams like some decent advice.
What to do if a cop stops you:
1. Stop! Whatever it is you were caught doing gets bumped up to another level when you run. The outcome of this is often really bad – in most cases for the rider.
2. Pull to a safe location. If this requires riding a few blocks to a good pull off spot, raise your left arm to signal to the cop that you are submitting to the stop.
3. As soon as you stop, take your helmet off and remove your ear buds if you are wearing them (they are illegal by the way). It’s important that you can hear the cop’s instructions. Obey them!
4. If you remove your gloves to get your information, be sure to put the gloves down. Especially in the dark they can be mistaken for a weapon.
5. Remain seated on the bike with your hands where the cop can see them, especially if the cop approaches you from the rear. You’re not going to run or be aggressive sitting on the bike so it will help diffuse the situation. Until the cop directs you otherwise.
6. Don’t reach into your jacket for your license without telling the cop what you are doing. Say “my license is in my jacket, can I get it?â€
7. If you are carrying a legal weapon tell the cop as soon as he walks up to you. Tell them you have it and where it is on your body. If you have an illegal weapon, leave it at home.
8. Just answer the cop’s questions directly and don’t talk too much. If he asks you how fast you were going simply say “a little fastâ€, don’t volunteer a number.
Number 8 is just plain wrong. - If you say, "A little fast", you have admitted to speeding. You would be far better off to say something like, "I was travelling at the posted speed limit, officer."
But hey, I'm White and therefore never get hassled by the popo, so what would I know...?
I assume the point on number 8 is that you were obviously speeding so rather than piss the cop off by denying it just say a little fast, maybe you can catch a break.
Rainbow, I am shocked at you bringing race into another thread that has nothing to do with race!
I hate to say it, but the best answer is I don't know, or I'm not sure. Stating your speed will definitely go to guilt unless you weren't speeding but being honest could get you a break. It's a toss up. BE POLITE AND RESPECTFUL, no attitude.