I have noticed that those with a hatred for LEO's....have a tendency to break the law, or associate with those that do.
I have noticed that those with a hatred for LEO's....have a tendency to break the law, or associate with those that do.
I have noticed that those with a hatred for LEO's....have a tendency to break the law, or associate with those that do.
I have noticed that those with a hatred for LEO's....have a tendency to break the law, or associate with those that do.
What is that based on?
I don't understand. How is this different from other employers that provide company cars? I still pay insurance, car payments and maintenance on her personal vehicle. We save 2700 miles per year on her travel to and from work. If you take even the maximum IRS deduction (which is about double the actual cost) we have saved a grand total of $1350.00 Wow. That's like a fortune, right?If you had to drive 30-40 miles a day Fuel/ tires / brakes oil / repairs/ etc etc That does add up to thousands a year..
It doesn't matter what type of food they eat. The fact remains that they wouldn't be eating out if they had otherwise normal jobs. You know who else gets discounted food? Fellow food service employees. Are you going to claim that they are overpaid too, because they get discounts on their food?Your from Fl. I know you eat at Sonnys ( thats really not fast food) Applebees etc 50% off adds up
This is a silly statement. Sewer workers are no more or less important than line workers, fire fighters or any other essential service personnel. Are you claiming that sewer workers are more important than cops? And if so, why? Why even make the comparison? Nobody is arguing that cops are superior to other essential service workers.Other Civil servie doesnt get the breaks. Let the sewers back up all across the country and we'd see who the major players are.
Road crews are (1) most often privately employed and (2) not skilled labor. Point #2 is the most important. Do you honestly think that any road laborer would choose to work in 300 degree asphault if they had an education or skilled training for a less demanding job?Road construction workers / Asphault workers 300degs asphault all day . ( they dont get to sit in the AC and ride around ) then eat 1/2 off.. They might get $12.00 and hour after 5 years of it! If they didnt build or repair roads POPO would be on a horse.
So all I'm saying is Leo's get fair wages for what they do.
This string has turned into a discussion about opinions on Police. No one in my entire family has ever served in law enforcement. I believe virtually all LEO's are honest and have the best of intentions, with an extremely small number who are not good at their jobs. In today’s society, all it takes is one controversial incident for things to deteriorate in a hurry. Law Enforcement at all levels provides our communities the most important insurance. And YES I've dealt with rude officers before, and YES I've received tickets which should have been a warning. But a handful of bad experiences have not fueled vindictive attitudes towards LEO's. I understand their important role in our community, and prefer to work with them, and see no benefit for citizens who constantly attempt to discredit them.
* bonus pic = my custom Christmas Tree
I don't need to go online. I can check my bank account.
But hey, if McDonalds is what you consider average pay, then sure, I guess they make a fortune. I don't know of many professions that require extensive training and continual retraining that makes less than a cop. Cops earn median income. This means that they make the average income paid to ALL employed citizens in the United States. This includes skilled and unskilled labor. (And yes, you can look that up.) For a cop (skilled labor, risk of life/injury) to earn median income is pathetic.
As for benefits....yeah, most large companies offer benefits, what's your point? Oh yes, if my wife dies in the line of duty, I get a million dollars. Well heck, I guess that will make up for my loss. Right?
Sounds to me like you have a chip on your shoulder and can't find anything reasonable to argue about, so you decide to go after pay because you think $40K is a HUGE amount of money. OMG, $40K, they're like rich! ZOMG
Well viperbluebusa if cops get such great pay and benefits, and apparently undeserved at that, why don't you pin on the badge? Reading your narratives here, you would be a stellar cop and probably make chief in a couple years.
I think your mommie made you stand in the corner a few too many times and now you have an anti-authoritarian complex.![]()
First your childish personal attacks are not needed. Second i do not have a problem with authority. I have a problem with my freedoms as an american citizen being attacked daily by people who get placed in positions of authority who have no business being there. Probably by people like you who vote and have no clue what you are voting about. Finally i did go through police academy and training and was going to become an iowa state trooper. I changed my mind and became an engineer insted. So yes i could very well strap on a badge and become a leo. I chose to do other things as anyone else can do if they choose.
I said it was median pay. You're the one that claimed they were overpaid, which is the source of my somewhat irritated let me get this straight because your wife has to continually strive to keep up to pace with her job and train etc, get in the line of fire risk her life etc you think 40k a year plus bens isnt that great?
I hate to tellyou this but if you add her ben package and her insurance etc she is making way more. Just cause you only see 40 k a year that isnt even close to what she gets. Try more like 60 a year or more with the retirement package and reduced cost insurance etc. Not to mention if she is union the bens from that as well.
But its neither here nor there. I wasnt saying all were bad i seem to recall saying the majority of. So maybe your wife isnt part of the majority?
As it is with any skilled profession, most of which make far more than median income......which is EXACTLY my point.Also just so you know hers isnt the only profession that you have to keep up to date on to remain employed. In most jobs unless its remedial work if you dont stay competitive, up to date, sharp you wont remain employed long.
Opinions are one thing, but you appear to have some deeply seeded resentment towards cops. You claim they are overpaid (which is demonstrably false) and that they get more benefits than other skilled workers (also false.) Aside from a discounted meal, you haven't shown me a single aspect of law enforcement that gives them an advantage over any other skilled profession. If your entire gripe stems from free food, then perhaps you need to go to Taco Bell and start demanding discounted burritos. I'm sure that will go over well.I am not going to get my feathers all ruffled over comments made as you shouldnt either.
I can tell you now 40 k plus pens and bens around this area is more then average pay.
So cheers another agree to disagree.