Trigger-Happy Cop Kills Family Dog!

I had a dog who would run right past the electric fence line.
He would howl for ten feet before and ten feet after.
Once past the electric fence he was gone !
I would hear him out in the woods howling with the boys running wild then come home muddy and want inside. Wrong 'you're sleeping outside tonight' !
Bottom line is he knew good and well he was gonna get shocked so he would run as fast as he could from the moment it started shocking him to the moment it stopped then he would. Once across the street and in neighbors yard he would always stop and look back at me and laugh (I knew he was inside) then disaplead off into the woods.

Bro's Whippet will out run it as well. Got a refund from Tractor Supply and was told "It ain't gonna stop them runners". Lot a dogs aren't that inclined and will stay well within the boundaries.

Ever hold the collar and run toward the 'fence'? Funny as can be watching the unknowing! :rofl:
That's ridiculous!!
In my opinion, the officer's dog should immediately be taken out and executed!

I am constantly amazed at how easily our rights get trample, and no one complains!!!

Damn Nazis!


The fact is, that tomorrow, that LEO might put his life on the line to protect me and my family if someone is trying to break into my house, rob me, rape my wife, hurt my child, etc....In this situation, which is definitly gray area, he gets my benefit of the doubt.

I have two dogs that run loose in my yard behind an invisible fence. Both of them are harmless, but both will charge (and break charge at over 20 feet). If a LEO comes to my house to investigate a call, and he shoots my dog in defense, I'm gonna feel bad about it, but I'm NOT going after the officer's job for goodness sake.

When you think you are big enough, tough enough, and smart enough, you go strap on a gun and a badge and put in a WEEK in a LEO's shoes...might give you a better perspective - if you can handle it...
The fact is, that tomorrow, that LEO might put his life on the line to protect me and my family if someone is trying to break into my house, rob me, rape my wife, hurt my child, etc....In this situation, which is definitly gray area, he gets my benefit of the doubt.

I have two dogs that run loose in my yard behind an invisible fence. Both of them are harmless, but both will charge (and break charge at over 20 feet). If a LEO comes to my house to investigate a call, and he shoots my dog in defense, I'm gonna feel bad about it, but I'm NOT going after the officer's job for goodness sake.

When you think you are big enough, tough enough, and smart enough, you go strap on a gun and a badge and put in a WEEK in a LEO's shoes...might give you a better perspective - if you can handle it...
The fact is, that tomorrow, that LEO might put his life on the line to protect me and my family if someone is trying to break into my house, rob me, rape my wife, hurt my child, etc....In this situation, which is definitly gray area, he gets my benefit of the doubt.

I have two dogs that run loose in my yard behind an invisible fence. Both of them are harmless, but both will charge (and break charge at over 20 feet). If a LEO comes to my house to investigate a call, and he shoots my dog in defense, I'm gonna feel bad about it, but I'm NOT going after the officer's job for goodness sake.

When you think you are big enough, tough enough, and smart enough, you go strap on a gun and a badge and put in a WEEK in a LEO's shoes...might give you a better perspective - if you can handle it...

Thanks Skydivr.....
When you think you are big enough, tough enough, and smart enough, you go strap on a gun and a badge and put in a WEEK in a LEO's shoes...might give you a better perspective - if you can handle it...

That's the type of mentality that scares me to death! You think those with a badge and a gun can do as they please because they're bigger, smarter, and stronger than you. Communism or Hitler ring a bell?
That's the type of mentality that scares me to death! You think those with a badge and a gun can do as they please because they're bigger, smarter, and stronger than you. Communism or Hitler ring a bell?

pretty lame comparison.....but I guess using Hitler is better than using the race card.
That's ridiculous!!
In my opinion, the officer's dog should immediately be taken out and executed!

I am constantly amazed at how easily our rights get trample, and no one complains!!!

Damn Nazis!


Perhaps you can cite for me exactly what law was broken here, or how the dog owner's rights were violated. If this were Nazi Germany, perhaps you wouldn't be allowed to own a dog....or perhaps you might not even have a yard for the dog to run in. You know...the term Nazi is thrown around far too often without a thought as to what it really means and how it really marginalizes the people that actually suffered at the hands of real Nazis.

That's the type of mentality that scares me to death! You think those with a badge and a gun can do as they please because they're bigger, smarter, and stronger than you. Communism or Hitler ring a bell?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that most LEO's probably are smarter than you. Analogizing both communism and fascism to this situation....I don't know, I'm not sure you fully grasp the concepts. Stronger and bigger? I don't know...are you shorter than 5'2" and less than 100 lbs?
Difference here is He is paid to be there. He was responding to a legitamate complaint from a citizen. He is/was entitled to carry the weapon to protect himself and others(including you) from bodily harm. If you had been walking down the street or on the property with a gun for no reason then yeah, you probably would be in some trouble, especially if not permitted to carry the weapon. Probably would not be charged with defending yourself against harm for injuring the dog though.
I like when people compare themselves to the Police but then hold the police to a higher standard because it suits the situation.

I guess I didn't put enough information in my statement to see where I was coming from. I viewed the cop as passing by the house only. So, if I were passing by the same house and the dog approached me the same way and i shot it(CCW permitt of course) I would be in much more trouble than the LEO would be. Nothing to do with holding myself higher than a police officer. I didn't mean to come off like that. I just invisioned a headline of "Gun Crazied Citizen shoot Neighborhood loved dog".
This is sad for sure. Back in 1996 I was and AKC breeder. I had 2 Chows (1 mail Blue and 1 red female) She was pregnant. They got out and went down the road and was barking at some rabbits in a pin. The lady that lived there called the game warden. He shows up ask her about them and she showed them to him. He then goes to his truck takes out his shot gun and she yells DON'T SHOOT THEM DOGS. In court she told that he yelled at them and they took off running and HE SHOT and KILLED both of them. I took him to court and sewed him. Blue chows were very rare and we felt sure we were going to have some. They were not doing anything wrong just barking. Anyway when we went to court the warden told the judge he could do anything he seen fit to keep the animals from destroying the rabbits and in his eyes he done what he thought was right. Well, of course he won. To me if they ran he should just let it go. I think in this guys situation he could have used pepper spray instead of shooting the dog. Like someone else said, If it was one of us we would be in jail for so many things other then shooting. Most cops get away with to many things that the regular citizens wont just because they are a cop. JMO
You cannot expect an officer to be perfect.
After all they are human. We do make mistakes.
Anyone here who has never made a mistake on the job please raise their hand !
Cop may be wrong he may not be but let's not crucify him over it .
Personally I think he may have used his last resort as a first defense but I wasn't there so can't say for sure .
Maybe if he had no pepper spray and no taser he could have fired a round into the ground and scared the dog back into his yard but likewise he may have fired a warning shot and then not had time for a second one before the dog grabbed his jugular and killed him ?

If the headline read 'Buddy the neighborhood Golden Retriever kills cop with a single bite to the neck!' what would we all be saying and feeling ?
I have a sense many would be saying he 'should have shot the dog' ?
Hindsight is always 20/20 and it's easy to armchair quarterback things afterward.
Let's get something very clear here. For those of you that assume you would somehow be in more trouble as a citizen, you would have the exact same outcome. If you are carrying (CCW) then you have every right to protect your life with that weapon. Yes, you might have to jump through a few hoops, but you're not going to be charged. Remember the phrase that pays; "I was in fear for my life."
. There will and should be lawsuits.

Lawsuit? A dog is seen as property. A lawsuit would reimburse the owner the cost of the dog at best. As the avid dog lover I am, I understand losing one. My yellow lab died on 12/06 as a result of epilepsy and it has shaken my world. But when I see families losing their sons in Afghanistan it puts things in perspective. The events leading to this dog getting shot is unfortunate but at the same time these things sometimes happen in the world we live in. Personally I wouldn't want to see a judge tied up on this. It is always easy to talk negative about the Police, but they are the backbone of our society onshore as the military is abroad.
Let's get something very clear here. For those of you that assume you would somehow be in more trouble as a citizen, you would have the exact same outcome. If you are carrying (CCW) then you have every right to protect your life with that weapon. Yes, you might have to jump through a few hoops, but you're not going to be charged. Remember the phrase that pays; "I was in fear for my life."

VB I agree with you most of the time but somehow I think if you or I was walking down the street totally legal and with ccw the police would not believe a golden retriever made you fear for your life. They would ask why are you walking down the street where kids play carrying a gun ? Why did you shoot Buddy the most loved dog in the hood ? When was the law time you did any drugs and are you on any now ?
I think if a citizen shot a Goldie they would be on the news and be screwed .
Police ARE given more leeway with regard to things like this .
Sorry Killerrudy, I misunderstood what you were saying. I do think you would be in same boat so to speak. You would be defending yourself against bodily harm, not much could be done. However, the paper would have read something like this...."Gun weilding fanatic shoots loving family pet in the familys front yard". It gets more attention that way. Just like "Trigger Happy cop..." instead of "man fears for safety and shoots semi aggrresive dog".
I don't know why I let myself get drug unto these type threads. Ususally I stay clear because It gets people on both sides all upset. I stand by my original comment, which was I can't say right or wrong, because I was not there. I can tell you first hand that newspapers twist and distort truths about stuff. I have personally given written press releases regarding drug arrest, search warrants and etc... and when they get printed they are not accurate and are hyped up to sound better or more prominant than they are.
I don't know why I let myself get drug unto these type threads. Ususally I stay clear because It gets people on both sides all upset.

Well, I try not to let it get to me when I comment on any thread. I understand that we are only reading words and that can leave a lot to interpretation. I think its fun mostly. I like arguing most of the time, just for the sake of arguement! I love all our ORGsters. :beerchug:
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that most LEO's probably are smarter than you. Analogizing both communism and fascism to this situation....I don't know, I'm not sure you fully grasp the concepts. Stronger and bigger? I don't know...are you shorter than 5'2" and less than 100 lbs?

To Afterhours as well. The analogy was of a supreme group, much like many LEO think they are. I didn't condemn all LEO, just responded to a post stating that LEO is bigger, stronger, and braver, then I am, to which I very much disagree. Please don't dissect my posts or take from contrast!
Hey the Cops killed another Pup in Sacramento Monday. Conspiracy?

SACRAMENTO — A Sacramento police officer shot and killed a pit bull, Tuesday afternoon, after it attacked a carriage horse in Old Sacramento.

Carriage driver, Jim Frenken, was giving a man and two children a tour of old town when the dog raced up to the horse, biting its legs and face.

John Dixon, a Granite Bay resident, celebrating his birthday in Old Sacramento tried to stop the attack.

"I saw the dog hanging on the horse's face so I took off running to the horse and started kicking the dog as hard as I could," said Dixon. "He kept grabbing the horses, face."

Dixon cornered the dog and held it down with his boot pinned on the dog's neck.

When Sacramento police arrived they did the same, but the dog became agitated and fearing for the public's safety, an officer shot and killed the dog.

This all happened on Second Street at about 3:45 in the afternoon.

The horse, seven year old, Sonny was taken to a veterinarian. He required stitches to his nose and his legs. His owner says he'll need two weeks in a stable before possibly returning to work.