Trigger-Happy Cop Kills Family Dog!

25 years of service, never bit, but have been put in the position of shooting 2 dogs to keep from being bitten.

I'm a hardcord dog lover. I would never do anything to harm a dog without as much cause as a human being. But with that said, I won't allow a dog to attack me before I act anymore than I would let a human do the same.

I have used pepper spray on lots of dogs as well, with good effectiveness. A taser likely would be a bad choice during an attack, as you will likely get only one chance with the taser and if you miss, unlike a gun, you don't get quick follow up shots.
The cop had the right to protect himself from the attack..
Now if it was a citizen and he had a concealed hand guns license, He would go to jail for animal crulity... And in Texas that can be up to 10 years....
If I cannot drop kick the mutt and it is charging me, count on me putting holes in it. Screw the dog and the owner, keep your mutt on a chain or fenced in the yard. Officers don't get paid to take a dog bite.
Not so bad as the dude that got cranked in Cali for playing with his garden hose nozzle. ??? Dogs think they ken git away with all their bs... oopsie. Rabid golden:whistle:
Dogs are not only pets, they are also home protection. They will do anything to protect their people and that's exactly what it sounded like this dog was doing. Someone was walking past the dog's house and he didn't like it, so he barked. Is that really a reason to shoot and kill the dog in his own yard? I don't think so. If the dog was out loose and roaming the streets, then there would be an issue of concern, but come on... he was in his own yard protecting his house. That's what dogs do!
Dogs are not only pets, they are also home protection. They will do anything to protect their people and that's exactly what it sounded like this dog was doing. Someone was walking past the dog's house and he didn't like it, so he barked. Is that really a reason to shoot and kill the dog in his own yard? I don't think so. If the dog was out loose and roaming the streets, then there would be an issue of concern, but come on... he was in his own yard protecting his house. That's what dogs do!

So the cop should have waited until the dog was actually on top of him? That's essentially your argument.
I think that this shows how some people think.....

Some people believe that a cop has to be:


before he can act. That is ridiculous, LEO's are people and should be allowed to protect themselves. The country would be much better off we valued these men and women more.

We hear things like "its just a dog"....or "he was only a drunk". I personally know a LEO that was bitten by a Cocka-poo, did not weigh more than 30lbs. the miniature dog's tooth punctured a muscle and tore a ligament in his hand..

got a staff infection and almost lost a hand.....How do you tell your wife you cannot provide for her because you got bitten by a "cocka-poo"?

then had to work with a physical therapist for 6 months to achieve 90% usage of his hand and fingers.

personal responsability....put up a fence, a real fence. put the dog on a leash. do not get so achohol'd up that you scare your nieghbors into calling 911.
I just have one question... a cocka-poo???
I had to google that one: "A cockapoo (sometimes called a spoodle, cockerpoo, or cockadoodle) is a cross breed dog, bred for the first time in the United States, by crossing an American Cocker Spaniel or English Cocker Spaniel and a poodle (in most cases the miniature poodle or toy poodle)."
oh one of those "designer pocket book" dogs :laugh:

Sorry, if anyone feels I've offended their cocka-whatever.
As a kid I was bitten across the face by a golden retriver. He was territorial and I got some stitches across my face for "threatening" him in his yard. So yes they will bite, especially when doing what they think is right, defending their home. I can't say he was right or wrong in shooting because I wasn't there. I can say in 11 years as a cop, I have seen a few dogs shot that were aggressive. On at least two occassions, in my opinion, the officers waited to long before shooting because they didn't want to get sued or hurt the animal. The result was people got bit and the animal still got shot. I personally have been bit by several dogs in my lifetime, and it's not fun. I have never been bit at work however, probably because I expect it and try to keep from putting myself in that spot knowing how people and animals can be. Without being there to see exactly what happened, all I can say is I hope he truly was scared and wasn't just "trigger happy" as the paper said.
I just have one question... a cocka-poo???
I had to google that one: "A cockapoo (sometimes called a spoodle, cockerpoo, or cockadoodle) is a cross breed dog, bred for the first time in the United States, by crossing an American Cocker Spaniel or English Cocker Spaniel and a poodle (in most cases the miniature poodle or toy poodle)."
oh one of those "designer pocket book" dogs :laugh:

Sorry, if anyone feels I've offended their cocka-whatever.

yeah, its fluffy chick dog.....buddy arrived on a domestic situation, while trying to be a "good guy" and comfort a little girl that was crying because she just saw her dad beat the crap out of her mom.. the mini dog, bit him.
yeah, its fluffy chick dog.....buddy arrived on a domestic situation, while trying to be a "good guy" and comfort a little girl that was crying because she just saw her dad beat the crap out of her mom.. the mini dog, bit him.

:laugh: This is how it always is. It's never a cool story about how we fought of a rabid pitbull to save a life and got mauled. LOL. It's always one where you're friends get to razz you for the next year about being overpowered by a fluffy rat.:lol:
I think it was wrong that the officer shot... but let me say this electric fence will not stop a dog that is determind to keep coming at you...once they cross about 5 feet past it they are no longer being shocked...and are free to run for you... I spent some time installing these fences and they have disclaimers for you to sign for a reason...they really are for training purposes only...
What a pos cop. If crap like this ever happens at my house there won't just be a dead dog lying there.

It will be a shame your family will lose a dog and you all at once.......:poke::laugh:

Sorry, you left yourself open for that one, couldn't resist!
I feel bad for the owners, but the responsibility was theirs. Should have had signs posted about the fence and possibly could of prevented this tragedy for them.

Down the road from my parents there are a couple Danes, 1 black and 1 gray, beautiful while riding by in a car, spooky when walking by. The owner has the electric fence and anybody near will know 'cause he's got signs posted about every 20' on his acre lot. This informs us there's a fence, although unseen, and his pets present no threat to us outside of his property.
I had a dog who would run right past the electric fence line.
He would howl for ten feet before and ten feet after.
Once past the electric fence he was gone !
I would hear him out in the woods howling with the boys running wild then come home muddy and want inside. Wrong 'you're sleeping outside tonight' !
Bottom line is he knew good and well he was gonna get shocked so he would run as fast as he could from the moment it started shocking him to the moment it stopped then he would. Once across the street and in neighbors yard he would always stop and look back at me and laugh (I knew he was inside) then disaplead off into the woods.
I know if I had been walking down the street and shot that dog, I would of been in jail already. Unlawful discharge of a weapon, insiting panic, animal cruelty, distruction of property or a few others I am sure I am missing. A leo is not above the law, he is the law. If he doesn't understand the different in right and wrong, he should not be a public servant.
I know if I had been walking down the street and shot that dog, I would of been in jail already. Unlawful discharge of a weapon, insiting panic, animal cruelty, distruction of property or a few others I am sure I am missing. A leo is not above the law, he is the law. If he doesn't understand the different in right and wrong, he should not be a public servant.

Difference here is He is paid to be there. He was responding to a legitamate complaint from a citizen. He is/was entitled to carry the weapon to protect himself and others(including you) from bodily harm. If you had been walking down the street or on the property with a gun for no reason then yeah, you probably would be in some trouble, especially if not permitted to carry the weapon. Probably would not be charged with defending yourself against harm for injuring the dog though.
I like when people compare themselves to the Police but then hold the police to a higher standard because it suits the situation.
It's a shame it happened, but should this officer lose his job over it? no.

The big dog was loose and he charged the officer. Benefit of doubt goes to the officer.

That's ridiculous!!
In my opinion, the officer's dog should immediately be taken out and executed!

I am constantly amazed at how easily our rights get trample, and no one complains!!!

Damn Nazis!

That's ridiculous!!
In my opinion, the officer's dog should immediately be taken out and executed!

I am constantly amazed at how easily our rights get trample, and no one complains!!!

Damn Nazis!


I don't think killing another dog would make the situation any better, but I understand what you are getting at and I don't think that cop should ever be allowed to hold a gun ever again.