Trigger-Happy Cop Kills Family Dog!

To Afterhours as well. The analogy was of a supreme group, much like many LEO think they are. I didn't condemn all LEO, just responded to a post stating that LEO is bigger, stronger, and braver, then I am, to which I very much disagree. Please don't dissect my posts or take from contrast!

Its all good, and I will agree that some LEO's are pretty pathetic, human beings that use thier authority for personal ego trips, or even to break the law....

however, I feel the majority are good men/women that want to serve and protect. These people come when you need help, even the A-Hole, power hungry ones....

It has been said many times....." if it was me, or any ordinary citizen" it would be different. You are correct, it would be different but not the way you think.

LEO's are held to a higher standard, both by law...thru the legal system and in "public opinion". The Police are always guilty until proven innocent, we are being conditioned to believe this.
VB I agree with you most of the time but somehow I think if you or I was walking down the street totally legal and with ccw the police would not believe a golden retriever made you fear for your life. They would ask why are you walking down the street where kids play carrying a gun ? Why did you shoot Buddy the most loved dog in the hood ? When was the law time you did any drugs and are you on any now ?
I think if a citizen shot a Goldie they would be on the news and be screwed .
Police ARE given more leeway with regard to things like this .

While I agree there may be many questions, the law would still be on your side. That's all I'm saying. I realize there would be more scrutiny obviously. But legally I am fairly certain there is nothing they could do to charge you with a crime. Like I said, "I was in fear for my life."

To Afterhours as well. The analogy was of a supreme group, much like many LEO think they are. I didn't condemn all LEO, just responded to a post stating that LEO is bigger, stronger, and braver, then I am, to which I very much disagree. Please don't dissect my posts or take from contrast!

You're comparing law enforcement to two very extreme and very contrary political ideologies. I'm not sure what else could have been inferred. We the people employ the cops. If you don't like their behavior, you have every right to file a complaint with your local agency. If that doesn't satisfy, you can take your complaint to the city or county commission, mayor, etc. There are always options for citizens to file legitimate grievances against misuse of authority. The problem is that most of the time the citizen is just wrong. Sometimes they are blinded by their own narcissism, other times they simply don't understand the law. But rest assured, cops are not members of the CCCP or the Nazi party.
I love animals, but I have been chased and bit. I had a zero tolerance policy for dogs trying to bite me. Get within 5 feet and a shot to the head is due. People think they can leave there stupid dogs roaming all around the neighborhood and everyone else has to deal with it. Nope, as a responsible animal lover, it needs to be controlled somehow. Shooting them is a last resort. But if needed, no hesitation is required.

Dog owners need to be arrested (IMHO) after an incident. They should be fined heavily and get once more chance at animal ownership before they are not allowed to have any animals. People are far dumber than most dogs. I'll stop ranting now.....
You are totally missing my point. Until you have walked a mile in a LEO's shoes, you have a very poor perspective. Most all police officers I know are decent men much more than the average population. Whether or not he regrets shooting the dog I have no way of knowing, but I'd like to think he does. All I know is I'd rather associate myself with them (and soldiers since I was once one) than most any other group of people.
Lawsuit? A dog is seen as property. A lawsuit would reimburse the owner the cost of the dog at best. As the avid dog lover I am, I understand losing one. My yellow lab died on 12/06 as a result of epilepsy and it has shaken my world. But when I see families losing their sons in Afghanistan it puts things in perspective. The events leading to this dog getting shot is unfortunate but at the same time these things sometimes happen in the world we live in. Personally I wouldn't want to see a judge tied up on this. It is always easy to talk negative about the Police, but they are the backbone of our society onshore as the military is abroad.

This is whats wrong. Police are not the backbone of any society. They are over payed civil servants that let power go to their heads. Not all of them mind you but the great majority do. I wasnt there to witness this dog getting killed. I couldnt tell you if he was justified in the shooting or not. But i can garantee you he wasnt in fear of his life. I would love to hear just how far away the dog was when he shot him. If the dog was still on its property he wasnt justified in shooting it. Thats all there is to it. We as homeowners have the right to protect our "property". That includes our dogs land houses etc. The officer had no right to kill the dog until it left the property. I would have shot him for shooting my dog. No doubt in my mind.

Some day we as people of this country are gonna get sick of the "authorities"
making up their own set of rules to follow. I am tired of the idiots who magically get elected into positions of authority doing what ever the hell they like. I think police should be voted into service same as our crooked government. Then they should have to run for reelection also to enable us as citizens to control these morons better. They work for us why dont we get to do their reviews etc? Why all of a sudden are they better then the people they serve?

ok enough of my rant. cheers
Wow , Ruff Topic.. Here's where I get in trouble. First off let me say , My family is full of Leo's .. I hang out with Leo's .But Me thinks there should be a physical standard for Leos. Height / weight/ strength. I dont care who it is , If my dog is shot in My yard !! HUH Ok yeah Right.. Heres a situation where a Person shoots a dog while its in its own yard. If a Cop is that scared he shouldnt be a cop. If I'm walking down the road and a dog comes out ( even in the road) I wouldn't shoot it ! Punches to the head might do the job, or even a knife( 2nd choice) 3rd a gun if I'm getting torn up.. If that would have been just a regular citizen and a person shot the dog in its own yard the DA would hang him before he could get a jury! Or had to make bail and court cost. What do you think would have happened if that was a Policeman's dog and a citizen shot it in its yard? ooh hell HUH!? Now again I could see shooting a couple Big pitts or whatever If you're being threatened" IN THE ROAD" But Barney shooting a Retriever in its yard?! Sounds like Dudes needs to be fired/ get some jail time and go home and grow a pair ! PS Wouldn't you think That Being on Foot Patrol You'd have some spray?
It's not that they are scared of dogs, shooting a dog does not require as much paperwork and there are neighborhoods full of them. :rofl:
Wow , Ruff Topic.. Here's where I get in trouble. First off let me say , My family is full of Leo's .. I hang out with Leo's .But Me thinks there should be a physical standard for Leos. Height / weight/ strength. I dont care who it is , If my dog is shot in My yard !! HUH Ok yeah Right.. Heres a situation where a Person shoots a dog while its in its own yard. If a Cop is that scared he shouldnt be a cop. If I'm walking down the road and a dog comes out ( even in the road) I wouldn't shoot it ! Punches to the head might do the job, or even a knife( 2nd choice) 3rd a gun if I'm getting torn up.. If that would have been just a regular citizen and a person shot the dog in its own yard the DA would hang him before he could get a jury! Or had to make bail and court cost. What do you think would have happened if that was a Policeman's dog and a citizen shot it in its yard? ooh hell HUH!? Now again I could see shooting a couple Big pitts or whatever If you're being threatened" IN THE ROAD" But Barney shooting a Retriever in its yard?! Sounds like Dudes needs to be fired/ get some jail time and go home and grow a pair ! PS Wouldn't you think That Being on Foot Patrol You'd have some spray?

I have a golden retriever and a pit bull at home. They are two of the sweetest dogs in the world, neither one of them would ever hurt a sould. Unless you are a bird, then you are screwed....
i do know what they make. You could to if you got online. They are city employees thus their income is public knowledge. Same with state troopers and county sheriffs. I can get online and tell you what they make for each city in the usa. Its not that hard. Then if you factor in the benefits package and retirement they get....dont tell me they arent paid well.
i do know what they make. You could to if you got online. They are city employees thus their income is public knowledge. Same with state troopers and county sheriffs. I can get online and tell you what they make for each city in the usa. Its not that hard. Then if you factor in the benefits package and retirement they get....dont tell me they arent paid well.

I don't need to go online. I can check my bank account.

But hey, if McDonalds is what you consider average pay, then sure, I guess they make a fortune. I don't know of many professions that require extensive training and continual retraining that makes less than a cop. Cops earn median income. This means that they make the average income paid to ALL employed citizens in the United States. This includes skilled and unskilled labor. (And yes, you can look that up.) For a cop (skilled labor, risk of life/injury) to earn median income is pathetic.

As for benefits....yeah, most large companies offer benefits, what's your point? Oh yes, if my wife dies in the line of duty, I get a million dollars. Well heck, I guess that will make up for my loss. Right?

Sounds to me like you have a chip on your shoulder and can't find anything reasonable to argue about, so you decide to go after pay because you think $40K is a HUGE amount of money. OMG, $40K, they're like rich! ZOMG
Well viperbluebusa if cops get such great pay and benefits, and apparently undeserved at that, why don't you pin on the badge? Reading your narratives here, you would be a stellar cop and probably make chief in a couple years.

I think your mommie made you stand in the corner a few too many times and now you have an anti-authoritarian complex.:rofl:
Our base here is about 31,000.00 I believe. Our health insurance sucks(in my opinion) and our agency and the county no longer puts in what it used too to help make it a little better. Essentially, in the last three years we have not received a cost of living adjustment or raise of any sort so I/we are working for less each year than I/we did the year before because the health insurance goes up every year (as I am sure it does for everyone who works and pays it). In fact, I cancelled my health insurance on my wife and kids through the county (my agency) and went on my own to the same company. It is now about 40.00 dollars cheaper a month. No way that should be possible for the exact same coverage, but it is. The only thing that is a plus is the retirement system, and no that is under fire and it may be changed. So I don't want to here about being overpayed and how life is just so great for those that work in the proffession. You can have your opinion on "cops" as you seem to put all people in classes and have absolutley no regard for individuals as you put anyone who is a cop in the same group,completely disregarding evryones indivuduality, but I call bull**** on the rest. Get over your bad experience and see people for who they are and not what they do for a living. By the way, if I work for you then can you please do something about the afore mentioned pay, health, and retirement please. Let me know when you work it out.

By the way, next time you are in trouble, call a crackhead.
I dunno, but I thing 40k is pretty cheap for a guy willing to stand between a bad guy and my family..
I think thats a fair pay.. Plus their bonuses (ie). Cars to drive home ( no fuel cost to and from) That saves thousands a year, = no car insurance. Discounts at Restaurants/ half off in most places , all the lil quirks add up too. I can think of a few other civil service depts. That are just as bad or in the long run worse yet get paid a lot less. Its all about the decisions we make... Half our military doesnt make as much as POPO , and thats their decision.. Lifes all about decisions. POPO decided to shoot the dog in the front yard , he needs to man up! he made the decision. G day Mates
I think thats a fair pay.. Plus their bonuses (ie). Cars to drive home ( no fuel cost to and from) That saves thousands a year, = no car insurance.
I can't count the number of skilled professions that provide company cars. How is this unique? Additionally, the primary reason that cops drive their vehicles home is because it serves as a crime deterrant. Agenices realize that cars sitting in a parking lot are basically useless. But park one at a residence and you have increased the awareness of your basic criminal in that area. Secondly, most agencies don't permit you to drive the vehicles off-duty (that I am aware of.) So that nonsense about saving thousands every year....not true. Unless of course cops are supposed to sit at home on their days off.

ts at Restaurants/ half off in most places , all the lil quirks add up too.
You mean the discounts on fast food that would otherwise not be necessary if they worked another job with a refrigerator and break room? Oh yes, I love spending $200 a month on road meals for my lovely wife. But hey, it's 50% off...such a perk!

think of a few other civil service depts. That are just as bad or in the long run worse yet get paid a lot less.
Name a skilled civil servant that gets paid less. Doubtful you will find many. Even school teachers that work 9 months a year get median income, but they're not putting their lives on the line, are they?

Its all about the decisions we make... Half our military doesnt make as much as POPO , and thats their decision.. Lifes all about decisions. POPO decided to shoot the dog in the front yard , he needs to man up! he made the decision. G day Mates

You're right, it is about decisions. But I don't stand idley by while someone tarnishes the profession for something that is completely baseless. Nobody deserves to have slanderous accusations tossed around.
Hmmm..... I have never called a crackhead to take care of business. It is an interesting thought though. Crackhead gets robbed sounds better than old former cop got robbed. Yup, I probably should keep a crackhead on speed dial! :thumbsup: