What a fun day


Woke up this morning to my son poking me in the face lol. Seems Jessica got him out of his bed sometime in the evening. We go down stairs I throw a couple pop tarts in the toaster and we start to eat breakfast. I take a few bites of mine and well it made me feel a little sick.

So Jake and I were watching cartoons when i feel my lips start to tingle a little bit. It sets off a small alarm, but not biggie, might be chapped lips after all. About 3 min later I feel my tounge swelling and my throat gettign tight. This is a feeling i know all to well since I am deathly alergic to peanuts. I pick jake up and we haul butt up stairs. I tell Jess i am going ot the ER cause i am having a alergic reatction. She is about half awake and not looking at me at this time. Throwing back the covers she looks at me and says oh hell no, and calls 911. keep in mind i have been a paramedic for 15 years, so calling 911 is not something we do. I get dressed walk to the bathroom to bruch my teeth or something, one look in the mirroe sent a shiver down my spine. my face was swolen andI looked like the elepahnt man.

So i go down stairs and wait on the ambulance it showed up in aobut 4 or 5 min, they walk in, and i know both of them. I get a shot of EPI in the arm, they start a IV run some Benadryl and off we go to the ER.. This was at 7am I got home tonight about 10pm.. I feel like i have been on a 10 day drinking benge.

So thats was my Saturday, how was yours? lol

Oh and the Dr is not 100% on the strawberries causing it, or maybe there was some peanuts or a trace of them on the poptart that caused.
i see all the time warnings on stuff saying stuff was processed with equipment that also processes peanuts. is that what probably happened. who make the3 poptarts can you call them about it. they should owe you a doctor bill or somthin
Look on the box...does it say if it was made in the same place as peanuts?
I will in the morning. I dont think i can make it back up stairs right now. Feel like i have been hit by a truck.
Holy crap, glad you are ok. My wife has the same thing happen with sesame oil. We have to really watch.
Glad you're o.k. That shizzle can be very scary.

So, did you get to brush your teeth? J/K
Was hoping for something better than this. Sorry about that, bro.
Glad you're ok and on the road to recovery. May have turned out bad had you tried to drive yourself.

Dang man thats terrible.... My day was definately better than that...