What an amazing machine....

Congrats again! But take a look at your speedo next time you're going 50 in 6th gear and twist the throttle to "shoot the gaps in traffic." You may be surprised to realize you're going about 90 mph. That would be an automatic suspension of your driving privileges in my state. :rulez:
And you're a law enforcement officer, right? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

(the Busa makes this wayyyy too easy.)
Your descriptions of how it handles heavy traffic are like mine here in Houston...ALMOST makes fighting traffic FUN!

Altho my idea of REAL fun takes us onto east Texas back roads! Enjoy! :thumbsup:

been up to the national forest, to drifters?
The tollroad is a good spot to stretch her legs about 4:00 am on a Sunday morning...that is what I have heard anyway. :laugh:
You've got a whole lot more fun to come. The beast will continue to amaze you.
:thumbsup: Sounds like another match made in heaven!!! I think the only word to describe our relationship with the busa is "love". It's just a wonderful machine!

Just be careful shooting the gaps in traffic, cagers do stupid things sometimes for no reason.

I look forward to meeting you at the next Tx 'Busa meet.
I got the tires scuffed up nicely in time for a run up and down the Dallas North Tollway. I chose a time in the middle of the day to do this so traffic would be relatively light. No need to take this baby for its first test run during rush hour traffic, right? I accelerate lightly onto the highway to slowly merge into traffic. I have to get used to wearing a full facial helmet after 3 years of wearing a half helmet.....the blind spots in a full face helmet are more profound. I ease onto the highway and take my slot in traffic. I do a few lane changes to get a feel for the girl. I'm amazed at how nimble she is. It doesn't take long before I come upon a rolling road block......cars in all 3 lanes, all doing the same speed. I hate Dallas drivers. Alas, a small gap between two of them. Without downshifting from 6th, I pull tightly on the throttle. The Busa quickly responds and I shoot the gap, thus clearing the roadblock. I am amazed because the old Gixxer 600 would have required downshifting a couple of gears to do that. I come across another rolling roadblock. Without even slowing to read which car may be going .006 mph faster than the others, I come upon the roadblock at full steam and seamlessly zip in and out of very minute gaps. The agility of the Busa and the response of the throttle gains my confidence. I come across yet another roadblock at highway speed. This time I misjudge the speeds and gaps and have to rely heavily on my brakes. The front brakes create a large dip in the front of the bike and she slows down in a heartbeat. Confidence in the stopping power....check.

My return trip along the tollway went much the same way. I can honestly say that this didn't feel like a heavy bike. It felt just as nimble and quick as my K4 Gixxer 600 did in the same situation, only more powerful. The Hayabusa and I are in for a very long love affair. :bowdown:

LEO rollin the BUSA!:thumbsup:
Just be wary of those cagers. Most of them will never see you. Glad to hear you are all geared up. I would reccomend the Shoei or the Scorpion helmet. Ride safe and :welcome: