what an exploded bottle looks like

linkie no workie 4 me either... but whatever it is I'm surprised by the topic. The reputable N2o companies have a safety blow-off cap on their bottles to vent the bottle if the pressure goes beyond a certain point. The safety margin between the max blow-off psi and the max bottle psi is normaly huge.
I was searching for 20 lb bottles and came across that link. It won't work for me now either.

It showed a Nissan Ultima or some kind of Fast and Furious car with a blown up 20 lb NX bottle. According to the story the guy left his bottle heater on for several hours in his garage - showed some really nasty pics. It basically blew the whole trunk section off the car and blew down part of the garage door. The article went on to say no one had determined why the burst disc didn't blow off.

Hopefully the link will start working so you guys won't think I'm nutz.
Here is one that was sitting on the ground near a bike AND the rider. It also hit the rider's leg, but the pipe took the big hit.



Thread link

If you have a NOS brand bottle that may have been made in 2006 it may need to have the burst valve replaced.
And we was giving ya crap, SORRY. That nos bottle, Wow that is what they call the "Dance floor". It is common in BLEVE's. The ends blow off and the rest flattens to the ground. BLEVE-Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. Got nothing to do, search bleve on youtube.
Ya as much as I wanna make a joke out of this..seeing all the kids running around in intake,exhaust geo metros on nitrous.. Someone could have been hurt.. So ill just hit here..