What are you looking foreward to?

Ladies will vote for their choice , as they have in the beginning of time ~ and men will have to live & die by that decision *
Ladies will vote for their choice , as they have in the beginning of time ~ and men will have to live & die by that decision *
Everyone is born and then dies, and hopefully during the living part, get to make their own decisions about their personal health and wellbeing.
The title of this thread is
"What are you looking forward to?"
Who here is actually looking forward to more politics and drama...really?
In Australia we rarely talk about politics, what's the point, it's not like they aren't all corrupt and working for the multinational corporations. I saw this thread and though of the summer months ahead, thought of riding my bikes to places unknown, thought of reorganizing my downstairs workshops and of visiting my Sister up North. What do I find, politics.
Discussing politics is futile. Much like religion. It's our moral fibers disagreeing on stuff. It's not like anybody's going to change their opinion, so we bicker. I've found what works is do what works for you. It's simpler than it sounds. Our opinions mean jack.