What are your freedoms worth?


I won't shave his nads, though. I'd pluck the hairs offa them...one by one....with a lobster....a live one.

Or maybe I'll tie him up, spread his legs, smear honey on 'em and have the fire ants do their dirty work.

Grrr.....can't believe I'm still flamed by this!! What a fuggin little bit@h!
Hey MadScottsman come back to this board tonight at 8:45 central standard time and look at this very post and I am gonna show you a couple of things....

1. What TRUE Censorship is all about!
2. The freedom that this great country provides ME
3. The access and PRIVELADGES provided to the members..

Remember 8:45 Central time

Well, first off, the few boards I actually post to generally have a "all other stuff" section where you can post whatever the hell you want to... forgive me if I stumbled in to the wrong board here.  To err is human...

On your other points, I'm glad to see others take such an interest in what the hell is going on around them in the world.  I'm sure your worlds all stop at the end of your driveways and nothing else matters but riding your precious little bikes.  Goody for you!  I guess you'll only take interest in the world beyond your driveway when someone tells you "Sorry, no more motorcycles!  They are too dangerous for your own good!"  

I guess the fact that I'm a "newbie" doesn't qualify me to say much here since the "elitist arrogant few" who are obviously the omnipotent arbiters of all that is worthy are the final judges of what should be said here (hmmm... kind of like censorship, only more annoying). But then again, I guess I shouldn't expect much from someone on the west coast... you guys kind of live in your own little world out there quite detached from reality.  I could insert a comment about you guys having the collective IQ of an ice cube, but then again, what's the point....

Anyay, I do ride a Hayabusa and frequent this forum... I just don't post much... just look for information mostly.  And no, I would never take a jab at SRV.  He is someone I admire very much being as I too am a musician... so cogitate on that for a while.

So, Mr. BonerBusa have a nice day, ride safe, and "fugg" you too.  Thank you very much.
This thread appears to be in the random Thoughts Topic, So it's in the right place.

Your first post in the thread was a political handgrenade, but there is nothing wrong with that. Folks may not like it, They may bitch, whine, complaint, get angry, etc... But if your not trying to sell anyone snake oil, your not posting porn, and you remember your Fuggs and Sh!ts... I see nothing wrong with this.

Understanding of course that as soon as you start calling the Busa a "Precious Little Bike" your going to draw some heat. Then of course you go on to say: I guess the fact that I'm a "newbie" doesn't qualify me to say much here since the "elitist arrogant few" who are obviously the omnipotent arbiters of all that is worthy are the final judges of what should be said here (hmmm... kind of like censorship, only more annoying). [/QUOTE] So why all the hostility towards folks that have been on the board for awhile, I am pretty sure that most everyone here that has been here for awhile could really give a sh!t if you want to pull up the ole' soapbox. That's why it's Random Thoughts.... So your pissed off because your little title says "Newbie"? Have you actually witnessed some sort of Omnipotent acts out of any of the older members?
No? Arrogance then?
Hmmm... Then why not just stick to the argument (Term Used Loosely) at hand and not attack the board members or our bikes in General...

You are free to post what ou will in Random Thoughts, your as much a member as anyone else...

Good Luck...


SH!t.... Looks like I was a day Late and a dollar short.... Hell Maybe just wrong heh?
Now that was a well deserved flaming!

Lobsters plucking nad hair!
PB you are a thing of beauty

I'll be laughing at that all night / That is true freedom of speech!
these types usually get shoo'd off pretty qwik....

thing that pisses me off is....I usually get to help in the shoo'in .

Somebody usually PM's me about a bobo like that .

I read his deal....well the first 2 sentences anyway , at like 6 this morning . I just figured...he'll go away .

gotta love that locale thou eh ? hang on to yer hats...


he's all done now anyway....Cap'n bootin' his butt .

I just thought I'd flame a little fer ya, Rubbah. I'll remember ta give ya dibs on the next shoo-away.

I thought I flamed him decently enough. What you think?
aaah...the "Rubbah" stamp of approval! Tanks, bro! Me an you.....we'll get 'em!!!
Intersting thoughts on the FCC, but I fail to see how the Bush administraion controls this.
At the level of President, any President, everyone has a connection somehow to everyone else. The only thing you got right was that we are living in dangerous times, thank God you are no at the helm making the decisions that protect, not harm, the rest of us. Welcome aboard, and tbone is right, should probably soften your arrival with an introduction and bike talk first. IMO

PS. due to the patriot act and your renegade administration, they have read your posting and you have been marked for death.
You know... I really don't have a problem with people that disagree with me... what rubs my sack raw is when people disagree without putting any thought in to it.  Most motorcyclists I know tend to be renegades by nature anyway, but they still think for themselves none the less.  I guess I will have to re-think my position on that subject.
Wow you don't know many bikers... "Most motorcyclists I know tend to be renegades by nature anyway"
How about starting out with an intro. like maybe "Hello my Name is Carlos Montoya, You killed my father now prepare to die."
<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Censored</span>

     With 3 post under your belt this one making your fourth, I consider this post in poor taste. Hang around for awhile get to know the guys... Then you earn the right to speak your mind.. You can however feel a sense of pride that you are only the second member to ever be censored by me and this is the second post in over 160,000 messages....... Freedom is a privaledge not a right here......

Leader of the elitist arrogant few
Goo Cappp Goooo Capppp YOu the MAN!!!!! yeeaaaahhhh!!
<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Censored</span>

     With 3 post under your belt this one making your fourth, I consider this post in poor taste. Hang around for awhile get to know the guys... Then you earn the right to speak your mind.. You can however feel a sense of pride that you are only the second member to ever be censored by me and this is the second post in over 160,000 messages....... Freedom is a privaledge not a right here......

Leader of the elitist arrogant few
'Nuff said......

Our CAPTAIN has spoken.
I just thought I'd flame a little fer ya, Rubbah. I'll remember ta give ya dibs on the next shoo-away.

I thought I flamed him decently enough. What you think?
 vs      ...SadFugin'ScotsHen

        1                                      0    ZERO , he is one

    nice shootin' Tex .

What about me?

I thought I did a pretty respectable job of shredding that little turd! (well for my first time anyway.)

You biker types are all the same, just paying attention to the guy with the bald testicles!