If you crash properly, you don't have time to worry about it.
If you ride "Not to Crash" you will have a difficult time advancing up the skills ladder.
However, throwing good judgment and common sense out the window is a recipe for disaster.
Sometimes I do whisper little pleas to my bike when I'm laid over as far as she'll go on a sweeper like "Hang on baby hang on"! But do I worry about crashin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NO!
On the other hand, when I see some Einstein with a small kid in jeans and tennis shoes who can barely reach the pegs with their tipytoes I to think to myself "I hope that stupid fooker don't crash"!
Then when I see some guy with a hot babe in shorts and tank top I think "If he dumps her a$$ off that thing "She will never have sex in the daylight again"!