What are your "worry's" when crashing or tipping bike?


What are your "worry's" when crashing or tipping bike? Cuz a lot of ya have the
"its the least of my worry's attitude"
Worries lead to intenisfied SR's (Survival Reactions) which can be very dangerous to a motorcycle rider. Read Twist Of The Wrist for more information.
Tipping,my bike's fairing and etc.

Crash myself Number one priority,follow my bike amount of damages
I went down twice in 2010. Both times the bike was left laying for someone else to take care of. I was my only worry. Fortunately I had friends there both times.
Besides my wife(if she is with me) and myself no worries. That is why I have insurance.
In a crash I worry about my family. At 41 I'm still fearless but everytime I ride I'm terrified that I won't come back and my wife and kids will be left alone.
Its bad joojoo to talk about such things. I don't about much unless one of my boys are with me.

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as far as a crash...i dont think i give it much thought...unless am doing something stupid. i wear my gear, jump on the bike and am out! if anything is gonna happen, its gonna happen and only God knows whats gonna happen.

i dont rly care bout the bike tipping over, i did the kick stand mod :beerchug:
I have a pic of my daughter on my key ring to remind me not to go for broke.....
atgatt:thumbsup:, but what do i worry about, i've been down and all i could think about when i was sliding down the road at 45mph was please don't let a car hit me. i got up and made sure i was ok first then went to the bike.
If you crash properly, you don't have time to worry about it.

If you ride "Not to Crash" you will have a difficult time advancing up the skills ladder.

However, throwing good judgment and common sense out the window is a recipe for disaster.

Sometimes I do whisper little pleas to my bike when I'm laid over as far as she'll go on a sweeper like "Hang on baby hang on"! But do I worry about crashin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NO!

On the other hand, when I see some Einstein with a small kid in jeans and tennis shoes who can barely reach the pegs with their tipytoes I to think to myself "I hope that stupid fooker don't crash"!

Then when I see some guy with a hot babe in shorts and tank top I think "If he dumps her a$$ off that thing "She will never have sex in the daylight again"!
What are your "worry's" when crashing or tipping bike? Cuz a lot of ya have the
"its the least of my worry's attitude"

I was not talking about before or during a crash, i was talking about after the crash when you wake up the next morning to go in your garage to see all the damage you did to your bike. Besides when a crash happens, it usually happen soo fast you don't have time to worry.

I was talking about after not present or during.
I was not talking about before or during a crash, i was talking about after the crash when you wake up the next morning to go in your garage to see all the damage you did to your bike. Besides when a crash happens, it usually happen soo fast you don't have time to worry.

I was talking about after not present or during.

Ummm, is it covered by my insurance and is my insurance paid up? :rofl:
well after the crash.......thank goodness i have full coverage and i started looking for parts to mod the bike and make it better than before.