What are your "worry's" when crashing or tipping bike?

Being 25 and multiple driving trophy's full coverage is not an option for me. I have never had a hard wreck but have tipped over several times (nothing over 30 mph), my only thought was how much will this cost and how quick can I fix it. If I were in intense pain I would probably be more worried about me than the bike.
I have no worries because I don't think I will crash or get run over again. Have had that attitude after the first wreck but I am at number 13 now in wrecks more or less and maybe starting to have doubts...... hhhmmm Nah it can't happen again I am good here no worries :thumbsup:
You already answered your own question. If you are upright and sucking air after the crash, not much else to worry about excpet which bike to get next.
If I wake up and i can walk to the garage to see all the damage I've done then I'm good! I figure it's State Farms problem after that :laugh:
I was not talking about before or during a crash, i was talking about after the crash when you wake up the next morning to go in your garage to see all the damage you did to your bike. Besides when a crash happens, it usually happen soo fast you don't have time to worry.

I was talking about after not present or during.

if i can roll out of the waterbed and make it to the garage, the only worries i have then is whether or not i can get the parts in time to get Lucy back up and going in the next 8 days so she'll be ready for the next trip :beerchug:
I dont care, as long as i can get up!

The bike can be replaced, i cant!
I was not talking about before or during a crash, i was talking about after the crash when you wake up the next morning to go in your garage to see all the damage you did to your bike. Besides when a crash happens, it usually happen soo fast you don't have time to worry.

I was talking about after not present or during.

When I went down on Halloween Day, I didn't get out of the hospital for 3 days. Then I couldn't get out of the bed without a walker or wheel chair for a couple of weeks. I have since graduated to crutches, but still cannot walk. The dam bike is the least of my worries. It was totalled anyhow.

Screw the bike. You can always get another bike.
Flying 90' through the air at 60 mph wasn't all that bad,but my pelvis crushing the gas tank and landing on my face stung a little.:laugh:

These were from a crash in '02(on my '02 Busa)when some yoyo pulled out in front of me and i T-boned him at 60 mph.Broke my nose and upper teeth,needed 30 stitches across my forehead(and this with a full Shoei helmet),broke my pelvis and left hand(perm. nerve damage),ruptured my bladder,etc.,etc.,etc.Spent 8 weeks in the hospital flat on my back(extremely boring:laugh:)and took me a couple weeks to walk again after i got home...then i got some insurance money and bought my '03 which i had for 8 years,and now on the 2011 i picked up in Nov.:thumbsup:


This from around '93 when some drunk kid ran me over on a Sat. night,broke the femur in 5 places and still carrying a bar and 13 screws in there.


...but i'm still hangin',41 years on 2 wheels and only 2 crashes so i figure i'm doin' good.:thumbsup:
If i know its coming its gonna be getting the hell away from the big girl, my accident i would have walked away from had the bike not come blowing up behind me at 100mph :whistle:

After wouldnt really care, have the insurance, i never even saw my 02 after i wrecked it, friend went and looked at it with the insurance adjuster told me it was totalled and i didnt wanna see it, to this day i havent even looked at the pictures he took.