Get the best you can afford, it's your head, and simply put the higher quality helmets do more than MEET the MINUMUM... No BS magazine article with an agenda will change that.
SO, Long story short Arai, Shoei, AGV, and some of the other quality laminate construction lids are the only way to go. The cheap Chinese plastic lids are dangerously lacking in quality control, consistency, and quality of materials. Never forget that HJC is a shipping company first.
My personal favorite is Arai, I've known many folks were saved because of their quality lid, that went above and beyond the minimum.
SO, Long story short Arai, Shoei, AGV, and some of the other quality laminate construction lids are the only way to go. The cheap Chinese plastic lids are dangerously lacking in quality control, consistency, and quality of materials. Never forget that HJC is a shipping company first.
My personal favorite is Arai, I've known many folks were saved because of their quality lid, that went above and beyond the minimum.