What Did I do????????

I would!
Not cheap but, no worries makes up for it.Never heard of this prob. after 03.
I have an 02 with the ti-sleeve and am hoping to not run into this senario!:whistle:???

Commuta, always wondered if this support worked ok? I guess so. :thumbsup:
you can get the ti sleeve from some of the site sponsors and other places as well. Yes, I would suggest replacing the starter assembly with 03 or newer. Talk to Goldenchild he might have the pieces lying around or can get them at a fairly good price.
Sorry to hear about the damage. Atleast you should have time to have it fixed by the time spring gets here. You've reminded me that I've got to do the started upgrade...I did $2500 in damage last May to my '99 when the timing chain tensioner failed, don't need any more problems.
maaaahnnnnnn....reading this post reminds me of the days i drooled for the busa but it was plagued...debugged by 03...which is what i finally bought.