What did you do on the independence day?

Nice group shot of all three of your toys ... I'm going to steal that idea when I introduce "Phenom" to the board.
We went for a 5 mile hike in the mountains. Of course on the way we encountered the ever present group of wanna-be Lance Armstrongs riding two abreast and 17 bicycles long. Damn near took out one or two when we moved left and a vehicle came around the corner in front of us. Next time we gave a little toot on the horn (not *beeeeep* but *toot*) to let them know we were behind them only to be cursed at. Just about had the car stopped so I could give him a piece of my mind (alternately I could have just opened the door and let him sort it out with the bushes and trees).

Didn't distract too much from the hike though.

We went for a 5 mile hike in the mountains. Of course on the way we encountered the ever present group of wanna-be Lance Armstrongs riding two abreast and 17 bicycles long. Damn near took out one or two when we moved left and a vehicle came around the corner in front of us. Next time we gave a little toot on the horn (not *beeeeep* but *toot*) to let them know we were behind them only to be cursed at. Just about had the car stopped so I could give him a piece of my mind (alternately I could have just opened the door and let him sort it out with the bushes and trees).

Didn't distract too much from the hike though.

Sometimes you just can't be nice to people!

I spent 15 minutes on Recreation.gov to secure my entry to Yosemite for the entire month of August. Since I’m a lifetime pass holder they charge $2 for each day use entry ticket that’s good for 7 days. Others have to pay the $2 plus the $30 bike fee. So if anyone’s planning on going to the park here’s the link to use. Hope to see some of you guys in August but remember all the other passes are open w/o any fees. July was all taken so I’m lucky to have gotten a week starting Monday. Tioga pass here I come!

Entered the park today and it turns out that if you’re a rider and tell the ranger that you’re just riding thru and not “recreating” like hiking or camping, you can ride thru w/o the Covid reservation. You pay the $2 fee at the gate but you don’t need a reservation in advance. It’s still ridiculous that they charge $30 for a m/c to cruise thru the park... :mad: My lifetime all National Parks pass has been a real bargain.
I cut my yard, raised my flag and had a bunch of folks over for pretty decent BBQ. Later we all went to the levee for the fireworks.