Good stuff!
I am in a specialized 'transportation' business and our biggest problems come from vehicle accidents. We use the Smith System to train our drivers and they (Smith System) have 5 keys that work really well; Aim High (steering technique of looking through the turn - sound familiar!), Get the Big Picture (be aware of your surroundings), Leave Yourself an Out (keep lanes beside you open), Keep your Eyes Moving (Duh), Make Sure they See You.
I can tell yall, we have at least one dumb a** hit our BIG, WHITE, 25000lb armored trucks every day so on a scoot we might as well be hummingbirds.
I am in a specialized 'transportation' business and our biggest problems come from vehicle accidents. We use the Smith System to train our drivers and they (Smith System) have 5 keys that work really well; Aim High (steering technique of looking through the turn - sound familiar!), Get the Big Picture (be aware of your surroundings), Leave Yourself an Out (keep lanes beside you open), Keep your Eyes Moving (Duh), Make Sure they See You.
I can tell yall, we have at least one dumb a** hit our BIG, WHITE, 25000lb armored trucks every day so on a scoot we might as well be hummingbirds.