What do you do When ?

Good stuff!

I am in a specialized 'transportation' business and our biggest problems come from vehicle accidents. We use the Smith System to train our drivers and they (Smith System) have 5 keys that work really well; Aim High (steering technique of looking through the turn - sound familiar!), Get the Big Picture (be aware of your surroundings), Leave Yourself an Out (keep lanes beside you open), Keep your Eyes Moving (Duh), Make Sure they See You.

I can tell yall, we have at least one dumb a** hit our BIG, WHITE, 25000lb armored trucks every day so on a scoot we might as well be hummingbirds.
Just keep moving in your lane, a little weave here and there does wonders for you visibility. (Cars can't do it)

Also as others have mentioned NEVER ride with traffic, always be steadily moving through. Being a bit aggressive is a hell of a lot safer than a Bit too defensive. Save that defensive crap for your Cage, it'll just get you F150'd out on the bike.
Good stuff!

I am in a specialized 'transportation' business and our biggest problems come from vehicle accidents. We use the Smith System to train our drivers and they (Smith System) have 5 keys that work really well; Aim High (steering technique of looking through the turn - sound familiar!), Get the Big Picture (be aware of your surroundings), Leave Yourself an Out (keep lanes beside you open), Keep your Eyes Moving (Duh), Make Sure they See You.

I can tell yall, we have at least one dumb a** hit our BIG, WHITE, 25000lb armored trucks every day so on a scoot we might as well be hummingbirds.
I like the Smith System, followed closely by the Smith&Wesson system should events require it.

I find a lot of folks NOT keeping their heads up or looking far enough ahead. Frequently I am already done reacting to a potential problem before riding buddies are aware there is a problem.

Try and explain looking WAY WAY ahead and you usually get blank stares... Folks don't understand the concept...
HEYS GUYS TRY THIS. this should eventually prevent stupid people who dont like bikes or just dont see them on the highway. i got this from one of my buddies. since ive been cut off so much and so many close calls because of stupid drivers. now when i ride anywhere, wheather its the highway or local roads. i carry a pocket full of ball bearings in my leather.(hehehe) ive only used them once. i had some douchebag come itno my lane and almost forced me into the side of a full size truck, so then i flipped him off and he swerved at me purposely. so i sped up on the busa, unzipped my left pocket of my leather and pulled out a handfull of ball bearings (id say 15-25) and tossed them over my shoulder. i think he will pay attention next time he almost hits a bike. i know its wrong to do it and id be real pissed if that happened to me but im just so tired of non drivers that shouldnt even have a license in the first place.
Nope...this one I HAVE to disagree with ya on there NC Brother.....I've blown the same evaluation on as many moto-cops here in Vegas, including the next door neighbor, passing continously, and staying AS FAR away from cagers AT ALL TIMES is the rule......."ahead of them back there, and in back of them up there"......Always be moving in relation to ANY motor vehicle whether slowing down (being passed) or speeding up (passing them). A moving object, it's been found, has a better chance of being seen.....

NOW, as far as someone accidentally or intentionally taking my lane
....I don't throw fits, I don't flip the bird, I don't take a rearview mirror as a souvenir, I simply slide in the direction that they're moving giving me time to accelerate or brake-out of their way. I ride everyday, whatever the weather, and I find this works for me. If someone has a H@RD-ON for this pilot and is tailgating...I simply go to Mach. If I were to be pulled over, I would argue, respectfully, that I'm just trying to keep my distance safe from vehicles that weigh far more than me.....

A blindspot is just that. A blindspot. And riding in mirrors is pointless since cagers don't use them or don't care if you're there in the first place. If you 2 make contact all they think they have to say is "I didn't see them officer" or "They came out of nowhere. They must have been speeding". If your lucky you'll be alive and concious to tell the truth but if not and there's no team of witnesses to tell the truth then the cager will probably get off easy. And riding alongside cages is a big no no. That's called the "Deathspot" for a reason.

Bottom line is if a cage is close enough to touch you, it can kill you. And if it's too far away to touch you, it can't kill you. Do what's needed to keep space between you and them. You can't ride like Ghost Rider all the time no. But do what you can to keep moving and keep those heavy hunks of plastic and metal away from you.

As for people jumping in my lane, this is why i check my mirrors every 3-5 seconds. In case i have to brake quickly, is there anything behind me that can make that a fatal problem as well. There's times people have stopped or jumped in my lane where lanesplitting, gunning it or evasive maneuvers saved me and hitting my brakes would probably have gotten me crushed from behind. As for road ragers. I used to do the old masterlocks or ball bearings over the shoulder too. Now i hardly waste time flipping them off or beeping at them if i have to go by. It's effort and concentration taken away from riding and being aware of what's around me. While concentrating on pissing back at them there might be another danger your missing...like maybe a cop watching you do all this? Just move along and if they're trying to mess with you, show them what your bike was born to do and leave them far far behind to seath and simmer in their own bile and anger. If any cop sees this, they'll most likely go after the speeding cager while you'll be far away. If you do have to deal with police. Be honest. The driver was acting erratic and dangerous and you feared for your life. What's the cager got to say for swerving at you or chasing you? They were racing you? Wanted to exchange insurance info with you because they think you kicked their door? They have ZERO excuses for trying to chase down a motorcycle. Period.

Remember your only defense on your bike is your offense. So be aggressive, use it, and be safe.
Normally gas it. I've realized most people this happens to on regular occasions tend to ride in cagers blind spots. A good rule of thumb is to ride to where you can see the driver in his/her side-view mirror. If you cant' see them, chances are they can't see you.
Nope...this one I HAVE to disagree with ya on there NC Brother.....I've blown the same evaluation on as many moto-cops here in Vegas, including the next door neighbor, passing continously, and staying AS FAR away from cagers AT ALL TIMES is the rule......."ahead of them back there, and in back of them up there"......Always be moving in relation to ANY motor vehicle whether slowing down (being passed) or speeding up (passing them).  A moving object, it's been found, has a better chance of being seen.....

NOW, as far as someone accidentally or intentionally taking my lane
....I don't throw fits, I don't flip the bird, I don't take a rearview mirror as a souvenir, I simply slide in the direction that they're moving giving me time to accelerate or brake-out of their way.  I ride everyday, whatever the weather, and I find this works for me.  If someone has a H@RD-ON for this pilot and is tailgating...I simply go to Mach.  If I were to be pulled over, I would argue, respectfully, that I'm just trying to keep my distance safe from vehicles that weigh far more than me.....

The reality is, they just don't see us.  That is straight from LVMPD, and NHP.....some are preoccupied, some aren't good drivers to start with, some are texting while they drink they're coffee and play with the radio (that one boggles my mind, I'm a peeping Tom on a Busa, I see ALL), and yet without habitual wreckless driving citations they are STILL allowed to operate a motor vehicle with four wheels..........

Take this to the bank.....when riding around other drivers in "cages"..."CONSIDER YOURSELF INVISIBLE".........I never give anyone in a cage a shot at the Spudster....EVER....."don't you either".  
I understand what you're saying but Skotty pretty much summed up my reply. I meant in a situation where you HAVE to ride next to a car. Checkout the diagram (red being cars - blue being bike). In a situation like this, there isn't much one can do. Now me, I'd probably split lanes and get out of that jam. The problem is that some riders aren't comfortable splitting lanes, especially at highway speeds. But yeah, I agree ... whenever possible, one should try their best to not ride next to a vehicle.


Hey Robert, dodging bullets lately? If it's next to me, gas it. If it's in front of me, I usually start calling them names under my helmet. Try putting myself in a space so as to be seen with an escape route and I try not to take it for granted that I am seen. I also am constantly telling myself to be on the defensive while looking for some nimrod to pull into my path.
Hey Robert, dodging bullets lately? If it's next to me, gas it. If it's in front of me, I usually start calling them names under my helmet. Try putting myself in a space so as to be seen with an escape route and I try not to take it for granted that I am seen. I also am constantly telling myself to be on the defensive while looking for some nimrod to pull into my path.
Yes Bill, More than you Know....
But that is a Different Story.

I find Myself Hammering the Throttle More to get out of situations lately. Thank God Both of my Bikes have a lot of Power....

PS: Good to hear from you Bill.......
In a situation like this, there isn't much one can do. Now me, I'd probably split lanes and get out of that jam. The problem is that some riders aren't comfortable splitting lanes, especially at highway speeds. But yeah, I agree ... whenever possible, one should try their best to not ride next to a vehicle.
The diagram you show is a BAD situation. I split the lane and say "Hasta la SeeYa!" and get away from them. I will not tolerate being tailgated and will split the lane to get away from a tailgater.
Normally gas it. I've realized most people this happens to on regular occasions tend to ride in cagers blind spots. A good rule of thumb is to ride to where you can see the driver in his/her side-view mirror. If you cant' see them, chances are they can't see you.
Nope...this one I HAVE to disagree with ya on there NC Brother.....I've blown the same evaluation on as many moto-cops here in Vegas, including the next door neighbor, passing continously, and staying AS FAR away from cagers AT ALL TIMES is the rule......."ahead of them back there, and in back of them up there"......Always be moving in relation to ANY motor vehicle whether slowing down (being passed) or speeding up (passing them).  A moving object, it's been found, has a better chance of being seen.....

NOW, as far as someone accidentally or intentionally taking my lane
....I don't throw fits, I don't flip the bird, I don't take a rearview mirror as a souvenir, I simply slide in the direction that they're moving giving me time to accelerate or brake-out of their way.  I ride everyday, whatever the weather, and I find this works for me.  If someone has a H@RD-ON for this pilot and is tailgating...I simply go to Mach.  If I were to be pulled over, I would argue, respectfully, that I'm just trying to keep my distance safe from vehicles that weigh far more than me.....

The reality is, they just don't see us.  That is straight from LVMPD, and NHP.....some are preoccupied, some aren't good drivers to start with, some are texting while they drink they're coffee and play with the radio (that one boggles my mind, I'm a peeping Tom on a Busa, I see ALL), and yet without habitual wreckless driving citations they are STILL allowed to operate a motor vehicle with four wheels..........

Take this to the bank.....when riding around other drivers in "cages"..."CONSIDER YOURSELF INVISIBLE".........I never give anyone in a cage a shot at the Spudster....EVER....."don't you either".  
I understand what you're saying but Skotty pretty much summed up my reply. I meant in a situation where you HAVE to ride next to a car. Checkout the diagram (red being cars - blue being bike). In a situation like this, there isn't much one can do. Now me, I'd probably split lanes and get out of that jam. The problem is that some riders aren't comfortable splitting lanes, especially at highway speeds. But yeah, I agree ... whenever possible, one should try their best to not ride next to a vehicle.
Hmmmm....I see what you're saying. In that situation, the diagram, first I would definitely NOT put myself there. If found there, slam and jam........
I know the Busa dances on the bumps, but I find myself in similar situations in Vegas commute. You gotta guy a car length behind, and a guy a car length in front and yet you're slowly passing the guy on the right. "I THEN"..slip over to the left exposing my entire front end in their rearview, and make SURE that guy in front of me knows I'm there. Most times, they speed up a little, slide right, and I tip my hat as I pass as a "thank you". If they don't slide, I get enough gap on the guy on the right, drop two or three, and put some torque into the leaning pass. The dumb thing about Vegas is, that we have several routes that are freeways, and yet they're restricted to two lanes......for now.

The real pickle is when the guy in front hits his brakes when he sees you, you hit yours, the guy on the right is oblivious, and the guy behind I PRAY hits his.......

I do my very best to keep on movin', slow for tatical adjustments, and stay out of "DA' PINCH".....
HEYS GUYS TRY THIS. this should eventually prevent stupid people who dont like bikes or just dont see them on the highway. i got this from one of my buddies. since ive been cut off so much and so many close calls because of stupid drivers. now when i ride anywhere, wheather its the highway or local roads. i carry a pocket full of ball bearings in my leather.(hehehe) ive only used them once. i had some douchebag come itno my lane and almost forced me into the side of a full size truck, so then i flipped him off and he swerved at me purposely. so i sped up on the busa, unzipped my left pocket of my leather and pulled out a handfull of ball bearings (id say 15-25) and tossed them over my shoulder. i think he will pay attention next time he almost hits a bike. i know its wrong to do it and id be real pissed if that happened to me but im just so tired of non drivers that shouldnt even have a license in the first place.
How about other traffic that may be around your ball bearing barage? Do the ball bearings only seek the offender of your space, or is there a chance they may strike another vehicle who is not a problem, or god forbid that someone on another motorcycle was behind you. I have never ridden through a ball bearing mine field, but I would think that it wouldn't be fun. I hope this is just internet talk, and you have not really done this. If you have, I can't believe you are stupid enough to admit it.
Great topic, lots of diverse answers.
My eldest brother, a die hard rider (rest his souls) taught me at a very young age to carry machine ball bearings for those wo persist with intentional, deadly force, not for someone just not paying attention. Someone could loose an eye or more this way. I have ben involved in multiple occasions where cars try to side swipe you as you are passing. I was behind a few bikes who were aggressively but legally passing a few cars and a new BMW tried to intentionally side swipe the rider ahead of me, he scooted away however I rolled up and cracked his passenger side window with the side of my fist, he never saw it coming, scared him seriously and went into the center guard rail and trashed daddies car. Twist and go.
On my way back from Key West after Fantasy fest, a driver, after I legally passed him, 50 in a 45 statrted to tailgate. I tried to get away but he persisted in following me. Eventually, he crept up on my inside (one lane road) on the shoulder and literally pushed me into the oncomimg traffic. His front tire was inches from my knee. I was looking right through his window as he and his friends were laughing. I then pulled out my .32 semi auto and knocked on the window, their mood changed quickly and they ran off the road. The truck was still in the marsh up to the windows in water the next day. Assualt with a deadly weapon (car) is an issue I do not take lightly. Mistakes can be forgiven, malicious behavior deserves justice. I try to avoid these occurences but some people (cagers) just seem to go after riders... Concealed weapons Permit certified fyi.
Food for Thought
For oncoming cars, I head for the center lane or the outside, depending where the oncoming car is in the pass. If they are just starting, I head towards the center as they will not re end the car they are passing, if they are mid way, they will cut off the car they are passing, hence going wide. Gas or Brake depends on the circumstance, gas is the first response as you have control over the bike.

Normally gas it. I've realized most people this happens to on regular occasions tend to ride in cagers blind spots. A good rule of thumb is to ride to where you can see the driver in his/her side-view mirror. If you cant' see them, chances are they can't see you.
Nope...this one I HAVE to disagree with ya on there NC Brother.....I've blown the same evaluation on as many moto-cops here in Vegas, including the next door neighbor, passing continously, and staying AS FAR away from cagers AT ALL TIMES is the rule......."ahead of them back there, and in back of them up there"......Always be moving in relation to ANY motor vehicle whether slowing down (being passed) or speeding up (passing them).  A moving object, it's been found, has a better chance of being seen.....

NOW, as far as someone accidentally or intentionally taking my lane
....I don't throw fits, I don't flip the bird, I don't take a rearview mirror as a souvenir, I simply slide in the direction that they're moving giving me time to accelerate or brake-out of their way.  I ride everyday, whatever the weather, and I find this works for me.  If someone has a H@RD-ON for this pilot and is tailgating...I simply go to Mach.  If I were to be pulled over, I would argue, respectfully, that I'm just trying to keep my distance safe from vehicles that weigh far more than me.....

The reality is, they just don't see us.  That is straight from LVMPD, and NHP.....some are preoccupied, some aren't good drivers to start with, some are texting while they drink they're coffee and play with the radio (that one boggles my mind, I'm a peeping Tom on a Busa, I see ALL), and yet without habitual wreckless driving citations they are STILL allowed to operate a motor vehicle with four wheels..........

Take this to the bank.....when riding around other drivers in "cages"..."CONSIDER YOURSELF INVISIBLE".........I never give anyone in a cage a shot at the Spudster....EVER....."don't you either".  
+100 Spudley said it perfectly.
Normally gas it. I've realized most people this happens to on regular occasions tend to ride in cagers blind spots. A good rule of thumb is to ride to where you can see the driver in his/her side-view mirror. If you cant' see them, chances are they can't see you.
Nope...this one I HAVE to disagree with ya on there NC Brother.....I've blown the same evaluation on as many moto-cops here in Vegas, including the next door neighbor, passing continously, and staying AS FAR away from cagers AT ALL TIMES is the rule......."ahead of them back there, and in back of them up there"......Always be moving in relation to ANY motor vehicle whether slowing down (being passed) or speeding up (passing them).  A moving object, it's been found, has a better chance of being seen.....

NOW, as far as someone accidentally or intentionally taking my lane
....I don't throw fits, I don't flip the bird, I don't take a rearview mirror as a souvenir, I simply slide in the direction that they're moving giving me time to accelerate or brake-out of their way.  I ride everyday, whatever the weather, and I find this works for me.  If someone has a H@RD-ON for this pilot and is tailgating...I simply go to Mach.  If I were to be pulled over, I would argue, respectfully, that I'm just trying to keep my distance safe from vehicles that weigh far more than me.....

The reality is, they just don't see us.  That is straight from LVMPD, and NHP.....some are preoccupied, some aren't good drivers to start with, some are texting while they drink they're coffee and play with the radio (that one boggles my mind, I'm a peeping Tom on a Busa, I see ALL), and yet without habitual wreckless driving citations they are STILL allowed to operate a motor vehicle with four wheels..........

Take this to the bank.....when riding around other drivers in "cages"..."CONSIDER YOURSELF INVISIBLE".........I never give anyone in a cage a shot at the Spudster....EVER....."don't you either".  
I understand what you're saying but Skotty pretty much summed up my reply. I meant in a situation where you HAVE to ride next to a car. Checkout the diagram (red being cars - blue being bike). In a situation like this, there isn't much one can do. Now me, I'd probably split lanes and get out of that jam. The problem is that some riders aren't comfortable splitting lanes, especially at highway speeds. But yeah, I agree ... whenever possible, one should try their best to not ride next to a vehicle.
I am never in a situation when I am next to a car unless sitting still or slowing for a stop. I will slow down or hit it if there is anyone on my side. I leave a large following distance in front of me and if someone wants in front of me, so be it.
Keep em in front or behind you and act as if every car is out to
hit you. I use all parts of the lane until time to pass then I
stay to the left of the lane so I have a little more time to act.
Braking or Speeding up depends on how fast I am going and whats in
front,back and side of me
Ive never been in a situation (bike or car) where I cared enouh to throw beads or do a show of force. But in these situations a mounted camera would do wonders. Where's that thread of the rider who got pulled over by a angry LEO?

I find ignoring people/motorist as more satisfying then having the last word. I also find that most motorist dont do things maliciously. They either dont see us or were preoccupied.

To add to the discussion, I use my horn for everything. I use a short "beep beep" to remind people where I am regarless if Im in a parking lot, two laner, actively passing or lane splitting. Most of the time, I get a quick head turn by the driver and Voila! they know where I am again. The use of the horn in the States is far less frequent than in Europe or Asia. Unfortunately the tone of the horn in domestic vehicles is also more dissonant and seems to slice at the ego of other motorists. I dont recall an incident where my horn pissed of another motorist. In the manner that the divers turn their heads, their expression is seemingly "ohh sh!t! I didnt see you, thanks!" Then I move along in my merry way. If they are pissed and shaking their fists... well as I said, I wouldnt know about it because Im on my merry way.. ergo ignoring them now. No need to show weapons/throw beads/escalate the situation. Ill probably loose it I did.

I would use flass to pass as much as the horn but I have a 2002 so I toggle the Hi beams instead.

Im a commuter. Its combat out there. Get home safely.