What do you drive?

my 99 Black Corolla.. I know.. Stylin!

Hey, your doin better than me. I'm in a Tercel...

Hey thanks for pointing that out!! I feel better now.
Weellll I was going to post in this thread but I see Katsmeow has posted so I need to move on to another thread
Juuuust Kiddding Kat

(wanted to let you sweat for a few minutes muah ha ha)

Ehem anyway..

I usaually drive my 91 Camaro to work (donthave pics) but since the friggen power steering pimp seems to be out I have been driving my 2004 Dodge Ram Sport Hemi (And I would like to take this opurtunity to say your welcome to all the CEO's at the friggen oil companies for personally providing them with enought money myself to send each of their bastid children to college to learn how to follow in their parents footsteps and continue to rape the American Citizen.. am I bitter NO!! WHY IN THE HE11 SHOULD I BE BITTER THOSE ROTTEN SCUM SUCKING LIFE DRAINING....)

Ok, I am better now.... anyway that those are what I drive
My 6 1/2 yo, Samantha, thinks it's Corolla for some reason. but she can't say Corolla. So it's evolved in a Crayola. Kinda sad, I drive a Crayola.

Awww, how can you NOT want to drive a Crayola? It doesn't happen to be Violet or Burnt Orange is it?  
Pea Green....even worse....kinda girly color....
Dude, you are cracking me up..

I'm actually starting to LIKE my corolla now.
My 6 1/2 yo, Samantha, thinks it's Corolla for some reason. but she can't say Corolla. So it's evolved in a Crayola. Kinda sad, I drive a Crayola.

Awww, how can you NOT want to drive a Crayola? It doesn't happen to be Violet or Burnt Orange is it?  
Pea Green....even worse....kinda girly color....
Dude, you are cracking me up..

I'm actually starting to LIKE my corolla now.  
Whats really funny is that I can slide the drivers seat back far enough to hang my arm out the rear window. And almost drag my knuckles on the pavement.

I have a 95 camaro that sits it the garage most of the time(my baby). I drive the 2004 chevy 2500 hd 4 door monster so I can run people down, LOL..We use it alot to tow..My son has his little chevy truck too. Also would someone tell my husband to get off my bike,LOL. Joy ride over, LOL

wife has a tahoe

i got a 'busa, and a bicycle. ;)

sometimes she lets me ride with her on cold days though.
I drive......well, whatever the mood strikes, off the lot. Right now it is a Passat W-8, 4-motion sedan. A wolf in sheeps clothing!
My wife drives our '03 F-350 crewcab sb powerstroke. Lttle blonde in a big black truck!