What do you get most...

In a word...FREEDOM.
In all ways.

I talk to Blanca regularly, here and there as I pass by.
Every time I come down off of a blast thru space I rub her like a horse on the mane.
Thanks again old friend......
Whooped 'em again 'eh Josey she replies ?

It takes me into a peaceful frame of mind, cruise along by myself or with my wife and enjoy the scenery...

Until, the lights drop~!~ :laugh:
Ok so I'll do it!

I could see that getting old ditchdr...for me though, I think I get a lot of interest because I'm a gal on a big sport bike. I would love to think I'm breaking down some stereotypes about sport bikers, being female, a Mom, NOT on the Harley like so many women seem to do when they want to ride on their own (not downing the Harley girls; I was one once myself). I love telling those that are interested what a varying group of riders the Busa riders seem to be, so I don't think our group fit in a mold. I enjoy talking up the Busa, and I don't pretend I ride like so many I know, or that going 186 mph is something I've done :laugh:

I'll have to say though, my 4 wheels move my soul too...if I had to give up one or the other, I'd give up the Busa to keep my Mustang. Just don't tell the Busa that :whistle:

A calm - gets me away from the stresses of daily stuff, but at the same time an adrenaline rush like nothing else. :thumbsup:
Ever talk to your Busa when you finish a long trip? I don't mind admitting that I do :laugh: I usually pat him on the tank :bowdown:

Of course I talk to my Mustang too :rofl: Perhaps I have issues :whistle:

actually i just brought my new 2001 busa home today and came back home later in the day to grab some tools and patted her down and told her she was so beautiful what dont tell my wife:rofl:
I love to ride it calms me almost like your not on earth if you will your own dimension
winter is so depressing, il weather sucks speeding is fun but living to ride another day is even better.
Ever talk to your Busa when you finish a long trip? I don't mind admitting that I do :laugh: I usually pat him on the tank :bowdown:

Of course I talk to my Mustang too :rofl: Perhaps I have issues :whistle:

I know im supposed to behave, but you just opened a big can of worn here!

Must behave! :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
The most tangible thing Ive gotten from riding are my friends. Everyone I consider a friend ive met while riding or being involved with motorcycles. I even broke the ice with my GF by trying an entire summer to get her to go for a ride with me. Once she gave in and got on(never been on a bike before, much less a Busa) I knew i had her. I met my best friend one night at a donut shop, he had a bike and heard that was the place to meet up with other bikers to ride.
Ive also gotten my worst pain from riding, physical, legal and financial. So its been very positive and quite negative at times, but I couldnt be without my Busa or motorcycleing in general.
I get a sense of peace, and freedom from all the days problems, an intimate oneness with my bike where everything else melts away and perspective of life returns, and a big sloppy grin too! :laugh:

WELL SAID :beerchug:
plus a million
Believe it or not...............Riding is kind of a Spiritual Thing for me...............NOT RELIGIOUS but I know GOD is there. That is the Reason I WILL NEVER BUY a Wrecked were there was a FATALITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Spirit of the Bike is Now with the Rider...............I Know It Sounds STRANGE but I am Not Like MOST PREACHERS !!!!!!!!
I was doing it so long on the mean streets of LA, that I forgot the real reason I loved to ride. When I got on the Bus I remembered the feel of freedom and solace that I had forgotten as a kid on a new ride.

I then began to ride with others as a result of this board, and discovered a whole new riding community, and love the friendships and riding buddies I have made in such a short time. I wish I had known this 20 years ago.
Bubba, da late hooner
Thank you for the reminder.