what do you say to these idiots?

what the guy said could be construed as a compliment showing that only a fearless sort would ride the thing... I have heard many a guy tell me I was nuts to ride such a bike and they meant it in a good way of sorts..

+1 I would have taken as a compliment as well.. When I see bikes I don't like I don't go an check them out much less say something to the rider.:lol:
I DONT do bar scenes, but if I heard a comment like that, I would take it as a compliment and say "you SISSY, if you arent living on the edge, you're just taking up space".(someone's avatar quote)
i was, and always am, ready for either scenario.
this aint my 1st rodeo:firing:
won't back down

There is always someone bigger...sooner or later, if you are looking for trouble, it's gonna find you...
I want to know why would someone go to a bar and have a drink and then ride???? Why....... whats wrong with this post ??? No bar no busa riding call a cab :poke::poke::poke:
Why drink and ride?

Why make rude comments to a stranger that just rode up?

Why make rude comments back to a stranger that makes rude comments as soon as you show?

Why "stand up" for a motorcycle, even the Hayabusa?

Especially to some stranger that you consider to be an idiot?
I met some FJR riders on the Cherohala Skyway the other day. I heard them talking about my Busa as soon as I hit the kill switch. When I took my helmet off one of them said, "How scary is that thing?" I told them it's not scary unless you want it to be. They seemed to be giving me a hard time at first, but ended up just really admiring the bike and being some pretty cool guys. I've had comments similar to what Craig got, but do my best not to snap back at people. It almost always ends up that they're just impressed by the Busa and want to talk about it anyway.
- "Now if you really wanna die, get 1 of these things."

- "Man, want it or not, it's going to happen. Meanwhile, I have the busa."
i pull up to the bar last night. several guys are loitering outside.
before i could even get my lid off, some idiot says "now if you really wanna die, get 1 of these things."
i look at him and say "you gotta be a fkn QUEER!"
shook my head and walk inside.
he was pretty big too.
but i don't back down in matters of the busa:rulez:

I used to let talk like that bother me once upon a time.....but these days I just give 'em a knowing laugh and take it as a compliment....he probably doesn't have the balls to even contemplate riding a 'busa in his wildest (& wettest) dreams !!
As I was walking by I would just say,It all depend's how you ride it. And then go enjoy a burger and a rootbeer. Alot of bar's have good food.I would still take the busa to the bar to eat.
i worked a 13 hr day, i needed a few brewskies:beerchug:

Why reply at all, unless you're looking for a fight. That's also a good reason to go to bars--alcohol tends to make them happen. Yeah, fighting is great as long as you win big, but you're going to lose one and that ain't fun at all.