What exhaust will make the most HP?


Hey guys,

I am sure this will start a big debate:rofl:, but I was wondering what you guys thought would be the best for the most horsepower. I was thinking about going with Brock's sidewinder, but don't like losing the ground clearance. Let me know what you think.

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max hp vs max hp and clearance are two different things. Max hp will be a sidewinder if you want clearnace then your exhaust system needs to follow the OE routing under the oil pan. As dadofthree points out, you can't go wrong with one of Brock's shorties :thumbsup:
Hey guys,

I am sure this will start a big debate:rofl:, but I was wondering what you guys thought would be the best for the most horsepower. I was thinking about going with Brock's sidewinder, but don't like losing the ground clearance. Let me know what you think.

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Short open rotary kind...lol

Trust me, if I had the money I would. I could always ask my wife to get it for me for X-mas:please:, but I don't think that will happen. Besides, I need more time at the track to handle something like that.
Hey guys,

I am sure this will start a big debate:rofl:, but I was wondering what you guys thought would be the best for the most horsepower. I was thinking about going with Brock's sidewinder, but don't like losing the ground clearance. Let me know what you think.

Any old exhaust system and a REAL loose dyno is all you need :thumbsup:
You really have to excuse me becuse this is off topic. I have been riding since 1969 and purchased many aftermarket exhausts. What ever happened to clean chrome? Why does every exhaust need to have 25% of it's surface area advertising it's manufacture? It burns me up. It was not like this years back. My stock pipes may be large and heavy, but they are at least clean to look at. I will never pay good money to ride a rolling billboard!