Well this is how it all came to pass. A little Corona, some idle time surfing the message board and a little temper caused mikeyusf to disappear. No it wasnt me but one of the admins. We worked last night and was able to reverse the deletion. I sent mikeyusf an email to let him know that he was back up, this is what I received via email.
Dustin, I appreciate the email, I tried to post today and I got the message "You're posting privaledges have been removed"
please forward this to captain-
It's funny how this happened. People asked for my opinions on certain subjects. I gave them my honest true feelings about subjects, and because my views were different, I was banned from your message board. I've met people from the message board, I've shared tips, helped other members with their bikes, and contributed positively to the board. It's helped me dramatically with my bike, and I appreciate what I've gotten out of it.
But whats funny is that when it came to my views on politics and war, people screamed at me that this is a "free country", and our "freedoms" must be protected at all costs. Freedom of Speech right? You're free to say what you'd like? But at the cost of being personally attacked, physically threatened and hurt, ridiculed, your personal credibility trashed, your message censored and your views oppressed by anyone who dissagrees and has the power to silence you. If your message board is a microcosm of real life, we're no different than Cuba or Iraq.
For instance, I made a statement a few months back that politicians have a tremendous incentive to start wars. That politicians and decision makers should be grilled thoroughly to determine that their decision should be in the best interest of the American People, not their own pocket books. People laughed at me, called me names, and I didnt have to look hard to prove my point. %#^* Cheney is going to make tens of millions of dollars from this war, read these stories for yourself-
I'm done with this message board. I dont want any part of it anymore. Dont restore my account, dont undo anything that hasnt already been done. Thank the person who banned me for giving your message board community a harsh lesson about living in a "free country".
You're voice will be silenced at all costs if different from those in power. It could be something as simple as banning a member with opposing views from an internet discussion group, or putting a bullet through his head.
Best of luck,
Mike Phillips
With all that said and done mikeyusf you still don't get it, you think that you have a right to free speech on this board, you are sadly mistaken. You receive the freedom that I provide, granted I seldom to never edit members post (you were actually the first member to ever be banned). It's actually not much differnet that the freedoms that you have in the United States, you expect that everyone should hand you the freedoms that you enjoy without a cost. The great thing about the freedom that we enjoy is supreme justice, in this case the justice that I deliver. Not because I think that you would come back and not that I want you back but for principal behind the situation, consider yourself banned again.( wow twice in two days ). Remember that in this great country you have the privilege of frequenting the Internet and sites like this and I have the freedom to tell you goodbye.
Hey mikeyusf,,,,,,,,,, Goodbye
Doug King
aka Captain