I look around on google maps alot, and find some crazy stuff. Like this little jewel in Albuquerque, it's in KAFB which hold Sandia Labs so this is either military or skunk works stuff. It appears to be a whole monutain surronded by a raod and three fences. There are several openings to the mountain for who knows what all with turn outs to them along the main road. Having been in the military myself I think this is one huge ammo and ordnance depot but I could be wrong, it might be a secret alien base right under our noses.
secret base in new mexico
this next one is way down south off the tip of africa, it really stuck out to me. Now there are several blurred or obvious spliced in patches of secret stuff all over the globe that google does not let us see, like Area 51, if you try amd look at that you will find the line where it has been doctored. The land scape is shifted about 50 feet or so. Anyway, this object under the ice in antartica does not appear to be one of those intentional cencored images...or is it??
antartic object
so any ideas on either of these?
secret base in new mexico
this next one is way down south off the tip of africa, it really stuck out to me. Now there are several blurred or obvious spliced in patches of secret stuff all over the globe that google does not let us see, like Area 51, if you try amd look at that you will find the line where it has been doctored. The land scape is shifted about 50 feet or so. Anyway, this object under the ice in antartica does not appear to be one of those intentional cencored images...or is it??
antartic object
so any ideas on either of these?