What's The World Coming To?


My Dad was the same way. He was a shop teacher and had a reputation for walking around with a 2X4 to get kids attention. I don't think he ever hit anyone with it.......at least very hard anyway.

I tell my kids that they wouldn't have survived a week with my Dad!!
My dad didnt kick my ass really...he is a doctor and I was scared of him because he used to wash my wounds with "Hydrogen peroxide" which stings like a Beeyatch!!
So I associated Hydrogen Peroxide with "Dad"

One thing I forgot also.  If you assult a minor, you go to jail.  

Now, I have met Bill.  He doesn't have what you would call intimidating size, which makes these little punks much more brasin.  The thing that bothers me the most is (here localy) there is a kid 15 years old, 6'-7" and [/b] only [/b] 270#.  He isn't a fat boy, nor has he appeared to be a bully.  But....  Bill is 5'-4" or so or just about any one else.  Hell, I'm 5'-11" and...
5'4!!! WTF STEVE!!! were you standing on the curb when you stole those 3-4" inches from me?

First thing in the morning?...I'm every bit of 5'8"..and shrinking.

I'm short, I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'm old, have thinning hair, am a Former U.S.Marine and grew up with no brothers or sisters in a variety of neighbourhoods with the last name of "Jinks"....

I think my experience can readily make up for my being verticle challenged...hell...I'm afraid of heights anyways...I don't even like being this TALL!!!

Besides...big guys don't scare me...one swift kick in the nads and suddenly their head is exactly where I need it to be.

L8R, Bill



I wonder if they realize how ignorant they look when they talk like that?
EXACTLY!! I hate it when my own people act ignorant like that. Then they wonder why they can't get a job or people looks at them funny. Nothing some good 'ol a$$whippings couldn't straighten out. The primary problem is there are too many single-parent homes, and discipline has taken a backseat to reasoning. If my son acted like that, I would knock his a$$ into the middle of next week.
Sort of the same thing happened to me once on my busa except it was about 5 other guys on trashy looking bikes(sort of home made). Luckily, belive it or not, three guys on ZX-12's were well known in this town and everything was all good, and no I do not ride with the guys on the 12's.

That is some fvcked up shid you had to put up with. I haven't been in that kind of situation since I lived in California. Here I am thinking that Florida can't be that bad, but I guess I'm wrong unfortunately. WTF is the world coming to.
I had a bit of a disagreament with a dude one time. as i was getting ready to leave i was standing next to my bike and was putting the key in the ignition and dropped the keys on his side of the bike, he picked them up and said "i oughta throw these into the field" I had my fullface in my hand i told him "if u do i will smash your face with this helmet"
he handed my my keys and left.
Now when riding and we stop, i carry my helmet with everywhere.
too much MTV, rich parents giving the little spoiled brats whatever they want. too much freetime, not having to work, etc
Sorry Bill. It has been 4 years. And I was standing on the curb.

I am hoping to make bike week this year..... (hoping again)


Yeah the respect level has gone completely out the door. Why, because some of today's parents don't demand respect from their kids.

Funny, my son (lives ~4 hours from me) got into a physical confrontation with one of his teachers. This lil thing is 8 years old, I drove to Charlotte to meet the teacher and I told him if it happened again we were going to dance. No beating this time, until ~2weeks later the same thing. Well I picked him up, got home ~10pm and took him straight to the empty room. I preceded to give him something similar to the Rock in "The Rundown" in the initial club scene. No more problems until guess what he gets back to Charlotte. Well know we know where the problem is, don't we. If momma would demand more rather than putting him in front of a TV baby sitter she'd get better behavior. Oh well, that's the state of the world "Baby's having Baby's". Don't sleep because many of these kids are packing and get pumped up when there are numbers, so if you're going to jump better be ready to bring the heat too!
I run into that shite all of the time. I always end up knocking them upside their head or pushing them back while my left foot is behind him. Nothing pisses me off more than a punk ass kid not knowing his position, which is under my right foot.
Love reading these threads from the early 2000’s. Such simplicity compared to now… Truly made this world a chaotic mess over time…

What exactly “made this world a chaotic mess”? Surely you didn’t mean these old posts but the way your last sentence reads, you have.
2005 included a terrible mudslide in California closing the coast highway for almost 2 weeks. This followed fire season, but I don't remember conservatives blaming the California governor then. Also the Palestine/Israeli conflict in Gaza was going full bonkers. America was strong, even after the fiasco in Iraq. We're always strong. The MAGA slogan is hot air. Keep America Great or Make America Greater would make more sense, but it doesn't feed the politically motivated among us, since they gravitate to the implication that the "other side" wrecked things.