What is this world coming to?

The question is how can you not. regardless of what they know or not know they have committed a crime they are responsible for there actions, if they are unaware of what they did is so bad they will be unaware of there life ending

What I am saying is that it is only a punishment if the person being punished understands they did something wrong. Otherwise it is just revenge.
What I am saying is that it is only a punishment if the person being punished understands they did something wrong. Otherwise it is just revenge.

Revenge is good...justice for the innocent child she killed...just sayin' :thumbsup:
If this woman was Insane at the time is beyond debate. so that leaves the death or prision in an attempt to rehabilitate.If she was rehabilitated and lucid I doubt she would want to live. So wouldn't the humain thing be to put her out of her misery asap?
What I am saying is that it is only a punishment if the person being punished understands they did something wrong. Otherwise it is just revenge.

I get ya and i see no problem with revenge or punishment. but either way the problem would be taken care of and that person would never be hurting another. I wonder what the world would be like if someone who committed the murder and the family was able to get revenge if they were found guilty after the 4Th appeal.
I just prefer to NOT dwell in an emotional, spiritual, or philosophical place that allows the media to feed glamorized horror into my life.

There's been people lobbing babies of cliffs, eating them for dinner etc.. since the beginning of civilization. They've been butchered and put to the sword in the name of religion, war, ethnic cleansing, and "my tribe is better than your tribe insanity". This is nothing new.

SO now we get to see a story about some disturbed freak killing and eating baby parts... You know what? Who cares? You know why they covered this story??? RATINGS!!!! Pure and simple somebody is going to make more money cause they can report this sort of horror and they PRAY that it's picked up nationally.

Don't fall for it. Don't let yourself get sucked into the hype, the drama, and the horror being sold to us every day. There's nothing to gain from it, no benefit to be had, we've all got better things to be doing with our lives.

Don't let the media, the Government, terrorists, or your religion place these heavy weights of fear, anxiety, distrust in your psyche. It's all crap, it doesn't NEED, nor should it HAVE an effect on the millions of us that have nothing to do with it.

Spare a moment for the family if you feel like it, but otherwise remember that the media is making money on this sorta horror and they'll even put it to theme music. It's disgusting and it's detrimental to our well being.

Listen to the "News" too much and you'll be convinced that the world is coming to an end... Never forget that they go to great lengths to find the horror so they can make more money at our expense...

Once out of the "news" trap you'll be much much happier. Worry about your family, your home, your neighborhood, and maybe your town. People and places where you can have an impact. Don't waste your time and your meds on the media programming, it'll make you insane. :beerchug:
I just prefer to NOT dwell in an emotional, spiritual, or philosophical place that allows the media to feed glamorized horror into my life.

There's been people lobbing babies of cliffs, eating them for dinner etc.. since the beginning of civilization. They've been butchered and put to the sword in the name of religion, war, ethnic cleansing, and "my tribe is better than your tribe insanity". This is nothing new.

SO now we get to see a story about some disturbed freak killing and eating baby parts... You know what? Who cares? You know why they covered this story??? RATINGS!!!! Pure and simple somebody is going to make more money cause they can report this sort of horror and they PRAY that it's picked up nationally.

Don't fall for it. Don't let yourself get sucked into the hype, the drama, and the horror being sold to us every day. There's nothing to gain from it, no benefit to be had, we've all got better things to be doing with our lives.

Don't let the media, the Government, terrorists, or your religion place these heavy weights of fear, anxiety, distrust in your psyche. It's all crap, it doesn't NEED, nor should it HAVE an effect on the millions of us that have nothing to do with it.

Spare a moment for the family if you feel like it, but otherwise remember that the media is making money on this sorta horror and they'll even put it to theme music. It's disgusting and it's detrimental to our well being.

Listen to the "News" too much and you'll be convinced that the world is coming to an end... Never forget that they go to great lengths to find the horror so they can make more money at our expense...

Once out of the "news" trap you'll be much much happier. Worry about your family, your home, your neighborhood, and maybe your town. People and places where you can have an impact. Don't waste your time and your meds on the media programming, it'll make you insane. :beerchug:

Did Obama put you up to this?
I just prefer to NOT dwell in an emotional, spiritual, or philosophical place that allows the media to feed glamorized horror into my life.

There's been people lobbing babies of cliffs, eating them for dinner etc.. since the beginning of civilization. They've been butchered and put to the sword in the name of religion, war, ethnic cleansing, and "my tribe is better than your tribe insanity". This is nothing new.

SO now we get to see a story about some disturbed freak killing and eating baby parts... You know what? Who cares? You know why they covered this story??? RATINGS!!!! Pure and simple somebody is going to make more money cause they can report this sort of horror and they PRAY that it's picked up nationally.

Don't fall for it. Don't let yourself get sucked into the hype, the drama, and the horror being sold to us every day. There's nothing to gain from it, no benefit to be had, we've all got better things to be doing with our lives.

Don't let the media, the Government, terrorists, or your religion place these heavy weights of fear, anxiety, distrust in your psyche. It's all crap, it doesn't NEED, nor should it HAVE an effect on the millions of us that have nothing to do with it.

Spare a moment for the family if you feel like it, but otherwise remember that the media is making money on this sorta horror and they'll even put it to theme music. It's disgusting and it's detrimental to our well being.

Listen to the "News" too much and you'll be convinced that the world is coming to an end... Never forget that they go to great lengths to find the horror so they can make more money at our expense...

Once out of the "news" trap you'll be much much happier. Worry about your family, your home, your neighborhood, and maybe your town. People and places where you can have an impact. Don't waste your time and your meds on the media programming, it'll make you insane. :beerchug:
Those seem to be wise words but, after letting it soak in I an not shure that I dont feel even worse about the current state of humanity
I think you need a cigarette Revlis :rofl:

Did Obama put you up to this?

No, I don't need a smoke there Darlin, I'm good to go... :beerchug: I'm actually in a pretty good place, I've got a wet towel wrapped around my head, a fan blowing briskly, it's freaking 95 out 1300hrs, but I'm pretty good...

Dino, Obama didn't, just a brief moment of clarity I thought I'd share with everyone. Folks sometimes don't realize how wrapped up in hype they can get without realizing it.

Spend more than 30 seconds reading or heaven forbid watching the "news" and it's easy to assume we're all in the hand-basket. :thumbsup:
No, I don't need a smoke there Darlin, I'm good to go... :beerchug: I'm actually in a pretty good place, I've got a wet towel wrapped around my head, a fan blowing briskly, it's freaking 95 out 1300hrs, but I'm pretty good...

Dino, Obama didn't, just a brief moment of clarity I thought I'd share with everyone. Folks sometimes don't realize how wrapped up in hype they can get without realizing it.

Spend more than 30 seconds reading or heaven forbid watching the "news" and it's easy to assume we're all in the hand-basket. :thumbsup:

I am with you, I was just yanking ya chain. Good post.
If she is so "sick" as many have mentioned. Who's the sick f*ck that had sex w/ this "sick" woman and fathered the child!?

A person like this is capable of relations? Being able to comprehend what it entails to have relations? My point is ....if she had been living in a house in a community and had a relationship w/ another human being.....that I feel she did know & understand what she was doing.
As a Father this story makes me fear what the future world will be like when my daughter is my age.

IMO she deserves death. A nauseating story that disturbed me.
Spend more than 30 seconds reading or heaven forbid watching the "news" and it's easy to assume we're all in the hand-basket. :thumbsup:[/QUOTE]

Amen to that brother
Sorry, no sympathy for her from me...you hurt or kill kids, you don't deserve to take another breath, mental illness or not...you won't change my mind either :poke:

Say, an autistic mentally handicapped child directly causes the death of another child, should the mentally handicapped child be put to death in the electric chair?

Say, an autistic mentally handicapped child directly causes the death of another child, should the mentally handicapped child be put to death in the electric chair?


If he takes a sword and chops off their head and eats the brains and some toes. At the least should be put away for life.

I can't even imagin what would drive someone to do what they did to that baby. Doesn't matter, there is no excuse for harming a child, period. She will pay here on earth and even greater when she meets her maker.
And then there's that subhuman POS parolee, who just murdered a fine, great 17 yr old
in LA.
If he takes a sword and chops off their head and eats the brains and some toes. At the least should be put away for life.

I can't even imagin what would drive someone to do what they did to that baby. Doesn't matter, there is no excuse for harming a child, period. She will pay here on earth and even greater when she meets her maker.

Yeah, pretty much what she said...

But let's be realistic, most autistic individuals would never do such things...we could stretch this to include "how would you feel about someone that accidentally killed a child in a car accident, or had a loaded gun in their home that harmed a child..." I could go on, but my point is pretty much what's been said by some...you're living life, in relationships, having sex, able to maintain a pregnancy, have a child, and THEN you are wacko? Right, I don't buy it...post partem depression be damned, she not only killed a child, she defiled her son and what a heinous death he suffered. I have zero tolerance for pathetic excuses for life like her and she would not be missed if she were to just go away...

Jeffrey Dahmer was insane too...he lured his prey, tortured them and ate them for dinner. No one completely sane does these things, but why should I help pay to study them or give them cable TV? Thankfully an inmate ended taxpayers' suffering and took him out...

Again, try as you might, I will not change my mind on how I feel about those that harm children, period.