What is a guy to do & apology to some

(this is Mindy not John.)
We have had our ups and downs, and this is scary for both of us to move in together. You are my life John and I have always known that. Yes, we did see other people as you said, but people don't like being compared to another man or when I talked about you all the time. I am lost with out you in my life.
We do ride great together. I would like my own someday, but when I am on the back of the busa I put my life in your hands…I would never do that with anyone else. Although we are like "matches and gasoline" sometimes, when the fire is out, nothing else matters but us and being together. I would never make you get ride of you bike, but I will get a little testy if your hands are on her more than me… lol
I love you John with all that I am. We will make it though anything with the love that we have.
Valium: you got yourself one heck of woman there.... if it feels right all around then go for it. Life has its up and downs, so does a relationship with another person whoever they may be... you talk, argue, find a solution and move on... its all good when both are in it for the long run...
Hey, you have a past, she brings a case of beer over and wants to talk, you talk and work out some issues, go for a great ride, spend time with her family..... is this a trick question??? My only advice is do not rush into marriage... live together, have fun, make sure all is good before taking the plunge...
John and Mindy,
I would like to share a little story with you.

My wife and I were married for 13 1/2 years then we got a divorce. We knew from the moment that we first touched in high school that we would be spending the rest of our lives together. Being active duty Navy is hard on a marriage but she is strong and we were making it. We came to shore duty (I wasn't going to sea at all) and we had to learn to live with each other. We started taking each other for granted and slowly but surely we grew apart. I moved out and filed for divorce shortly there after. So you are thinking damn Don this is sad.

During the course of our divorce proceedings, we decided that we were going to do our own property settlement paperwork. We had to spend a lot of time together getting this done.

While preparing to get a divorce we both found something that we thought was gone... our best friend.

We got a divorce, I was living somewhere else for about 3 months I moved back in, and we dated for a couple of years.

Two years and one day after our divorce, we were remarried. We are happier and closer than we have ever been. Kimberly is absolutely without a doubt my best friend.

The moral of all this, Love will always find a way. Communicate, talk about everything, and never go to bed mad at each other (even if it means staying up all night).

Congratulations. Follow your hearts.

just so you know, The wife thought it was funny you sent me that photo! You almost got me in trouble but its all good. Im just glad she has a sense of humor.

As far as Mindy goes, Just take the plunge and enjoy the ride, I did two years ago and loved it the hole time.

You know you should be with her it seams, just admit it to yourself and go for it.
Congrats Val, some people never find their soul-mate.

I've never met the two of you but I can relate to how you feel.

Although it may seem pessimistic, which can be confused with reality (right rubb?
), take your time and get to know each other.

You have your whole life to live and if you are truly meant to be together then a ring is not going to change anything.

Live together and become the best of friends. I think BigDiesel and his fiancée among others are a great example.

Good luck!
John and Mindy,
   I would like to share a little story with you.  

My wife and I were married for 13 1/2 years then we got a divorce.  We knew from the moment that we first touched in high school that we would be spending the rest of our lives together.  Being active duty Navy is hard on a marriage but she is strong and we were making it.  We came to shore duty (I wasn't going to sea at all) and we had to learn to live with each other.  We started taking each other for granted and slowly but surely we grew apart.  I moved out and filed for divorce shortly there after.  So you are thinking damn Don this is sad.

During the course of our divorce proceedings, we decided that we were going to do our own property settlement paperwork.  We had to spend a lot of time together getting this done.  

While preparing to get a divorce we both found something that we thought was gone... our best friend.

We got a divorce, I was living somewhere else for about 3 months I moved back in, and we dated for a couple of years.

Two years and one day after our divorce, we were remarried.  We are happier and closer than we have ever been.  Kimberly is absolutely without a doubt my best friend.

The moral of all this, Love will always find a way.  Communicate, talk about everything, and never go to bed mad at each other (even if it means staying up all night).

Congratulations.  Follow your hearts.

I'm jealous! Best of luck on that "Second" marriage! Wish I could be in your situation!
my 2 cents...wife and i did alot, fought alot, seperated alot...after about 3-5 years of heartache we realized we were always worse off apart than the petty issues we thought were major issues we had together...so the ones that no matter how hard you try to be apart...cant.....are the best...ya got a keeper.
Edit: Maybe I don't need to post such personal things.

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Err...Just got a little news today. I just found out Mindy is very late on her "Monthy thing" - I mean really late. So Thursday, she has an appointment with the Dr. and we will see what this all means. Anyhow, completley unexpected news, and hope more than anything for good news. Unfortunately between my disease I've been dealing with, and Mindy being coninually monitored for cancer - I think the odds are stacked against us for the chances of such wonderful news, but Maybe...with a little hope and good luck...Something wonderful will come out of this.
Good luck, but don't let this affect the decision you both need to make. Remember its you two first and foremost...
Vic - Don't start trouble...lol

Where are the details on your woman's new bike
Hoping for the best for you two John.
Life is Nothing without the love of another. Looks like you've found that, and I'm glad for you bro.

Now, it sounds like you may need my cell number. I can recieve picture messages you know.

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V, all that I can say is put your heart into it and go. To have someone that you love with all of your heart is a wonderful thing. I hope the best for the two of you and the kids.

Damn man, you had my eyes watering.
I mean, something got in my eye, yea thats it.

Follow your heart. Peaceout.