What is an absolute must have on a Busa ?

I hardly use mine. And it doesn't make my throttle stick very well. It just drops speed reeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy slooooooooooooooow.

I'm betting a lightweight titanium single sided exhaust will be what I like the most, once I scrape together enough to buy one. Needa quit getting speeding tickets!!
This was hard to narrow to one till someone asked about moded tail sections the other day... Now it's so simple I feel so silly I didn't realize this sooner..

Now it's just a matter of getting my hands on one. But it is a must do :laugh:

Both of those need a RIDER :)
Comfort - Corbon or Tobin Seat (Stocker is terrible)
Safety - SS Brake lines (Rubber lines are too "spongey")
Go Fast - Full Exhaust (Stock is extremely restrictive. Brock's!!!!!!!!)
and a Power Commander or tune for the exhaust.
I hardly use mine. And it doesn't make my throttle stick very well. It just drops speed reeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy slooooooooooooooow.

I'm betting a lightweight titanium single sided exhaust will be what I like the most, once I scrape together enough to buy one. Needa quit getting speeding tickets!!

Shoot, I'd buy your throttlemeisters off you. PM me if you want to negotiate!
I hardly use mine. And it doesn't make my throttle stick very well. It just drops speed reeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy slooooooooooooooow.

I'm betting a lightweight titanium single sided exhaust will be what I like the most, once I scrape together enough to buy one. Needa quit getting speeding tickets!!

Adjust the washers on the TM's and you'll find they work great. If they're slipping you need to swap out the washers with different sizes to get the TM's to stick. That's why so many different washers of varying thickness are included in the kit.