TheWheelman Posted on Feb. 15 2006,12:13
if anyone doesnt like it, they are free to hate it, leave it, or burn its symbol to the ground..... and yet instead of excercising those rights that our forefathers died for, they come on the internet and ##### when someone posts something positive and patriotic, calling it communist propaganda, maybe vic has never been to America, maybe he doenst know that everything in that read is true, except that navajo is spelled with a j not an h, ahaha, i grew up a few miles from the navajo reservation, i would know.
looks like there is 3 of us...
lot boy Posted on Feb. 15 2006,19:51
Quote (Vic_E55_2001 @ Feb. 15 2006,23:43)
Relax guys...
United States Of America IS the best country on Planet Earth. I truly believe in it.
I have absolutely no problem with America. some Americans maybe....
im not understanding your posts? regardless what it says or who wrote it if it saves just one life for one more day--then they are powerful words- are the facts off , maybe, is it propaganda, probly but the message as a whole seems positive and non violent-- so again i dont understand your posts- would you explain them to me as i am very open minded and hate not to understand an expressed point of view.
your last post seems like a ploy to rid yourself of any future flaming- wich i understand - so if you feel more comfy explaining yourself in private pm me [/QUOTE]
still waiting to hear your take on this?
All we've asked for is a simple expanation.....
You seem to be the odd man out...enlighten us? Please?
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