What kind of leaded fuel to use with dry nos

For a small shot up to 50hp, I would say run your higher octane fuel 93/94 and then have your power commander/ECU tuned for it. If you run anything higher, I would recommend you run something like a C-16 (123 octane leaded) and again, have your power commander or ECU tuned for it. Run rich, run longer. NEVER run an oxy fuel with NOS. Detonation is a sure thing and bad JUJU.

The reason for the higher octane fuel is that it has a longer burn cycle. Since N2O is the oxidizer, it will make your fuel burn quicker. If you run a lower octane fuel or an Oxy fuel additive, your fuel will burn in an instant, long before your crank can come to TDC. BOOM, detonation. Running a longer burning fuel allows the N2O to make it burn quicker and hence gives you more power because now you can burn more of it in a 4 cycle stroke.
Clear as mud huh. More fuel, means more power, but to burn more fuel, you need to add more oxygen, this is the "O" in N2O. When you burn more fuel, your temp goes up in the chamber so you need to cool it quicker. This is where the "N2" comes into play. The nitrogen is a cyrogenic agent allowing your cylinder to burn cooler with a larger fuel charge.

So the moral of my story boys and girls is run a richer, longer burning fuel (C-16 or equivalent) when running N2O. 2 parts Nitrogen, 1 part Oygen. When you run higher than a 50shot, I would recommend you think about retarding your ignition because now your buring your fuel quicker and you want to ignite it a tad later in the stroke BTDC. If your explosion is at maximum before the top of the stroke, you cause your piston to jam against the rod causing a major issue with your piston, rod, crank and your not utilizing the full power of your explosion in the chamber.
