(VaBusa @ Mar. 30 2007,16:05)
(dadofthree @ Mar. 30 2007,15:58)
(VaBusa @ Mar. 30 2007,15:52)
(dadofthree @ Mar. 30 2007,15
(VaBusa @ Mar. 30 2007,15:23) Only downside to making every request public is the complaining I've seen in the past over guys coming here and asking the same questions. I've witnessed more than a few members only taking the time to say "go do a search on it" over helping 'em out...just an observation; can't have it both ways, either we're going to help out in the open forums to every question that comes along, or we have some designated help to answer the specific questions captain's getting...
Just my $.02
I've seen my share of everything on this board, but typically someone steps up and helps. We can't help ourselves Barbie
That wasn't a jab, just noting that I've seen new members ask questions and sometimes they don't immediately get help...I've seen members say that they're sick of the same old questions over and over and to go search, while others will answer or find the links and post 'em up, so either we all agree we help with all questions in an open forum, no matter how many times you've answered it, OR we have a few members here helping to answer those questions that are being asked via the ticketing system...
Va, I can't wait to meet you in person, I understood exactly what you were saying, and I have witnessed some brutal stuff on here. The ticket being made a thread is the answer. Do you agree. I will be more sensitive to the issues you raised in the future. I'm just getting started here.
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Dude, I had my finger on the ban button until you redeemed yourself there
No, I do agree, just pointing out that if we opt to go that route, members had better step up and help, AND MOST DO, without the "go search" or "jeez, that's been asked a million times!"
It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. I like making the new members feel welcome and help 'em out because this place can be quite overwhelming for someone that's just joined...
I bring on the threats of bodily harm and banning along with my plans for world domination only AFTER they've been here, oh, 30 days