What mileage you guys getting outta tires?

Nice thread revival
. I never looked at it as oil change/tire change, since they've never come at the same time, but that's about what it comes to for the rear tire. I've always changed both but if you stay with the same make/model, going every other with the front makes more sense.
3 year old thread... i got 5500 out of my stock 05 rear... cant make the replacement last longer than 1500 without getting a nail or something in it...
the search feature brings up a lot of old threads when you do a search... do one on "Tire prices" 2004.... probably see a lot of old posts get revived. Still a good thread
I'm on here every morning, so for me, the more threads going, the better !!! I wish people would dig up some more, or start some new ones !!!
I use Pilot road and 6000 rear to 12000 front. Switched to the new 2CT and so far showing signs of similar distance