What pets do you all have?

Those Burmese Pythons are beautiful! But they really are something to try and keep alive. Very sensitive. If yours made it to 10' ....you did a great job. Sorry she is gone. But maybe it's better she moved on. She might of tried to swallow lil ole' Whipple :laugh:
Lol. I had her for like 4.5 years. She was awesome. I took her out everywhere with me. I loved her. Her dying is what made me get Whipple, rebound pet, lol..
Whipple may be the cutest pitbull I've ever seen. Looks like a happy little pup. :thumbsup:

Sorry about peaches - great name though.

He is great. just had him weighed last week. At under 5 mos, he weighed in at 46.7lbs. BIG boy. LOL
Pepper is a sweatheart. Chow/lab mix. He loves everyone.:thumbsup:

Eureka Springs 2009 064 (Medium).jpg

pepper new bike 001 (Medium).jpg

pepper new bike 003 (Medium).jpg

Eureka Springs 2009 065 (Medium).jpg
Sammy the cat and Autumn the boxer. Autumn came from Boxer Rescue, former puppy mill dog. What a sweetheart.....has a few physical issues but it don't matter.

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Well, a couple of these guys (or gals) are actually just visiters :whistle:

Duck is on her eggs.


Squirrel 2.jpg

Lillie and Hershey sunning.jpg

Duck 1.jpg

Hershey 2.jpg
...and we recently got a Winter White Hamster for my 7 year old. Her name is Bella, no pics yet.

I've got a morbidly obese english line yellow lab, two muts, and a 4' albino kingsnake.

I love them all... except the snake, he just kind of fell into my lap.
the grey cat is fox i found her when she was maybe 8 weeks old in the garbage can 2 years ago. felix is the big cat. and tk the all black cat




You know in looking at all these pictures I have discovered something...we all have pets that are so cute they should be illegal!:rofl::rofl:

I love this thread and all the pictures that everyone is putting up.

Thank you...
cats and turtles. The cats invetigated the turtles ONCE, it only took one bite on the nose and the cats keep clear now. I also had fish, they lived with the turtles, i havent seen them in awhile tho:poke:
Here's momma cat. She's 14 years old and just recently passed. I had her since she was a kitten.
