What should we do about this?

did you watch the video?...he said and i quote "if this passes im going to start killing people"..... well... at that point they can reasonably deny him his concealed permit....yes he pulled the video off you tube but still its the point.

What is the point?

James Yeager may be a little tightly wound, and may have made that video in haste, but he quickly replaced it with an edited version. He has since posted more videos to clarify his stance. The problem was that as soon as the video went up, others ripped it from Youtube and reposted it. He has asked for it to be taken down. Honestly, if the video hadn't gone viral with the left wing, I don't think any action at all would've been taken against him. I think if you were very familiar with his other material, you'd realize that the statements made in that video are not standard practice for him.

Our state legislature is very much against gun control, and has already passed a nullification law. I think they tend to agree with what he says, but it was too much too soon. I believe he will get his permit back once this blows over.

I don't believe there's a strong relationship between him and the original subject of this thread. Someone who warns tyrants to back off is not the same as someone who says he wants to blow up an elementary school.
What is the point?

James Yeager may be a little tightly wound, and may have made that video in haste, but he quickly replaced it with an edited version. He has since posted more videos to clarify his stance. The problem was that as soon as the video went up, others ripped it from Youtube and reposted it. He has asked for it to be taken down. Honestly, if the video hadn't gone viral with the left wing, I don't think any action at all would've been taken against him. I think if you were very familiar with his other material, you'd realize that the statements made in that video are not standard practice for him.

Our state legislature is very much against gun control, and has already passed a nullification law. I think they tend to agree with what he says, but it was too much too soon. I believe he will get his permit back once this blows over.

I don't believe there's a strong relationship between him and the original subject of this thread. Someone who warns tyranny to back off is not the same as someone who says he wants to blow up an elementary school.

I heard/saw a lot of people screaming/ranting: "Kill the NRA, Kill LaPeirre, etc. etc..." but theirs was allowed under free speech. The difference was that this GUN OWNER had the TOOLS to carry out his rant. If he wasn't allowed to have those tools..where would he be? There's a lot of people that armchair quarterback everything someone says, and even when the retract or apologize it's not something that can ever be taken back. He REALLY should have chosen his words more carefully, or counted to 10. Remember, EVERYTHING you say and do online is there FOREVER...If you look into his 'professional' history, you will find that he is not well thought of in 'professional' circles...seems to be some accusations of cowardice under fire...

I think it was reasonable to suspend his permit until the local authorities have a chance to talk to him, but I think he should be able to get it back.

I don't mind holding CCW holders to a higher standard, just like I do police officers, military, etc. With great power comes great responsibility. All he's doing is making the Brady Ban bunches case for them...

Yet, the press is respite with examples of people who have committed and made statements to commit domestic violence IN FRONT OF JUDGES, who upon release go and act on those statements..with guns it was illegal for them to posess....seems ironic, doesn't it. Another example of "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"...
I dont think a CCW should be a law as the 2A already is a CCW and OC permit. But yeah he did go a little overboard, so are the ones calling to kill La Piere etc etc, they should be jailed using the same terroristic threat laws the would for threatening anyone else.
Speaking of mental health and treatment... Just about all the medicines have adverse effects warnings. It's a kinda damn if you do and damn if you don't situation. :banghead:

Yes, hard for these folks to stay on the meds because of that. Sad indeed but they should be taking extreme measures given what he has written.
I can't seem to find a nullification law? Do you have a link?

What is the point?

James Yeager may be a little tightly wound, and may have made that video in haste, but he quickly replaced it with an edited version. He has since posted more videos to clarify his stance. The problem was that as soon as the video went up, others ripped it from Youtube and reposted it. He has asked for it to be taken down. Honestly, if the video hadn't gone viral with the left wing, I don't think any action at all would've been taken against him. I think if you were very familiar with his other material, you'd realize that the statements made in that video are not standard practice for him.

Our state legislature is very much against gun control, and has already passed a nullification law. I think they tend to agree with what he says, but it was too much too soon. I believe he will get his permit back once this blows over.

I don't believe there's a strong relationship between him and the original subject of this thread. Someone who warns tyrants to back off is not the same as someone who says he wants to blow up an elementary school.
I can't seem to find a nullification law? Do you have a link?

Well.... How about I just give you the text?

Also, you can look it up here if you like: http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/tncode/

Title 4 State Government
Chapter 54 Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act

4-54-101. Short title.

This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act."

4-54-102. Constitutional authority.

The general assembly declares that the authority for this chapter is the following:

(1) The tenth amendment to the United States constitution guarantees to the states and their people all powers not granted to the federal government elsewhere in the constitution and reserves to the state and people of this state certain powers as they were understood at the time that this state was admitted to statehood. The guarantee of those powers is a matter of contract between the state and people of this state and the United States as of the time that the compact with the United States was agreed upon and adopted by this state and the United States;

(2) The ninth amendment to the United States constitution guarantees to the people rights not granted in the constitution and reserves to the people of this state certain rights as they were understood at the time that this state was admitted to statehood. The guarantee of those rights is a matter of contract between the state and people of this state and the United States as of the time that the compact with the United States was agreed upon and adopted by this state and the United States;

(3) The regulation of intrastate commerce is vested in the states under the ninth and tenth amendments to the United States constitution, particularly if not expressly preempted by federal law. Congress has not expressly preempted state regulation of intrastate commerce pertaining to the manufacture on an intrastate basis of firearms, firearms accessories and ammunition;

(4) The second amendment to the United States constitution reserves to the people the right to keep and bear arms as that right was understood at the time that this state was admitted to statehood, and the guarantee of the right is a matter of contract between the state and people of this state and the United States as of the time that the compact with the United States was agreed upon and adopted by this state and the United States; and

(5) The Tennessee constitution clearly secures to Tennessee citizens, and prohibits government interference with, the right of individual Tennessee citizens to keep and bear arms.

4-54-103. Chapter definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) "Firearms accessories" means items that are used in conjunction with or mounted upon a firearm but are not essential to the basic function of a firearm, including, but not limited to, telescopic or laser sights, magazines, flash or sound suppressors, folding or aftermarket stocks and grips, speedloaders, ammunition carriers and lights for target illumination;

(2) "Generic and insignificant parts" includes, but is not limited to, springs, screws, nuts and pins; and

(3) "Manufactured" means creating a firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition from basic materials for functional usefulness, including, but not limited to, forging, casting, machining or other processes for working materials.

4-54-104. Firearms, firearm accessories and ammunition manufactured in this state not subject to federal regulation under interstate commerce clause.

A personal firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in this state and that remains within the borders of this state is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of congress to regulate interstate commerce. It is declared by the legislature that those items have not traveled in interstate commerce. This section applies to a firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition that is manufactured in this state from basic materials and that can be manufactured without the inclusion of any significant parts imported into this state. Generic and insignificant parts that have other manufacturing or consumer product applications are not firearms, firearms accessories or ammunition, and their importation into this state and incorporation into a firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition manufactured in this state does not subject the firearm, firearm accessory or ammunition to federal regulation. It is declared by the legislature that basic materials, such as unmachined steel and unshaped wood, are not firearms, firearms accessories or ammunition and are not subject to congressional authority to regulate firearms, firearms accessories and ammunition under interstate commerce as if they were actually firearms, firearms accessories or ammunition. The authority of congress to regulate interstate commerce in basic materials does not include authority to regulate firearms, firearms accessories and ammunition made in this state from those materials. Firearms accessories that are imported into this state from another state and that are subject to federal regulation as being in interstate commerce do not subject a firearm to federal regulation under interstate commerce because they are attached to or used in conjunction with a firearm in this state.
4-54-105. Application of § 4-54-104.

Section 4-54-104 shall not apply to:

(1) A firearm that cannot be carried and used by one (1) person;

(2) A firearm that has a bore diameter greater than one and one half inches (1 1/2'') and that uses smokeless powder, not black powder, as a propellant;

(3) Ammunition with a projectile that explodes using an explosion of chemical energy after the projectile leaves the firearm; or

(4) A firearm that discharges two (2) or more projectiles with one (1) activation of the trigger or other firing device.

4-54-106. Firearm must be clearly stamped with words "Made in Tennessee".

A firearm manufactured or sold in this state under this chapter must have the words "Made in Tennessee" clearly stamped on a central metallic part, such as the receiver or frame.
Now if Barrett will start churning out REC7 lowers, we'll be good to go. Of course ATF won't go for it, but that's one for the SCOTUS.
I see 50 industries being born. This commerce clause has been abused to no end by DC, its time it gets reeled back a bit as it was not intended to be used for blackmailing states but to encourage economic expansion and ease commercial transactions..
Thanks. Not quite like what Wyoming was proposing, but good for Barrett!

No, it's not as aggressive as WY's statement, but I think it gets a similar point across.

I read that there is something in the works for the TN Attorney General's office to provide legal defense for Tennesseans who are federally charged for actions protected by the Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act. That's quite a public defender.

Boy, this thread sure took a turn... :laugh:
Here in Coeur d'alene there was an apartment manager shot and killed by a dangerous tenant. The managing staff knew she was unstable and posed a threat to not only staff but her but those living next to her. This person was upset over people parking in her spot and tv's that were too loud.

The Manager knew there was no way to placate her and wanted this person out of the complex. This is where the law got in the way and did not allow an eviction of this person. The Management offered to give her back her deposit and GIVE her first and last months rent and money for a u haul if she would move out. This person declined the offer and stayed. The tenant got fed-up (possibly over the lack of action for her parking space) and she appeared in the admin office with a gun and shot and killed the manager. The tenant barracked herself in the office and killed her self when the SWAT team was attempting to gain entry to the office.

I think this is the perfect example of laws that are supposes to help, in this case housing right, and how the same laws can stop action that any reasonable person would say needs to happen. Unfortunately there is no easy answer to this but there should be some mechanism to allow us to look into a possibly disturbed person and see if there is any help the society can offer. Some times laws that are supposed to protect get in the way of helping those they are supposedly protecting.

Just my 2 cents.
Majestic, I think you are on target. There's a segment of our population that is unwilling to place restrictions on known dangerous individuals, but looks for any excuse to impose their will on the rest of us as a large group.

Only one gun in my safe has ever been fired in violence, and that was during a declared war. Aside from possible defensive purposes from crime, foreign military invasion, or the rise of tyranny, none of the others ever will be.
I think we need a "nut job island". Perhaps a big one. We should also rethink some of this "profiling" nonsense and realize that "it is what it is" :poke: Nut job island could be a real nice place, just all nuts all day...
I think we need a "nut job island". Perhaps a big one. We should also rethink some of this "profiling" nonsense and realize that "it is what it is" :poke: Nut job island could be a real nice place, just all nuts all day...

Sign me up for a room there!