What tail tidy did you go with?


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Curious what you guys like for tail tidy and cost? Have pics?

I see so far:
T-REX, $60, uses stock LED

Yosh, $120, they mention butt connectors, yuckj

JL Design, $120, plug and play

Puig, $130, no mention of wiring/lighting

Fleabay special, $29.98 shipped, flying lead wiring

R&G Racing, £106
what are you doing to mount the plate?
to the stock plastic that remains, I removed the metal bracket and reflectors, a la moore mafia. Plastic bracket remains, just driil holes for plate bolts you can see whats there in this pic

Has Michigan gotten that bad about having them like openly visible and lit? In California they thank you for having any semblance of somewhat of a plate on your bike

I never had problems in MI at long as it wasn't obviously hidden.

.... or fake lol. 696 Troopers really REALLY don't like our Ghost plates lol