What the heck is wrong with my bike????

Go for a ride until you start to feel the warmth, then stop, turn off the bike, remove the seat and feel the battery carefully.  If the battery is getting so hot that it's literally cooking you, something is very very wrong with the wiring. Considering your rectifier fried (not common), it sounds like there's a short, a switched polarity...something going on.

Have you added any electrical mods to the bike?

It could simply be a bad battery.  

If the battery is literally HOT, get that thing checked out ASAFP - you do not want your battery cooking/melting etc. while you ride.

Any other electrical probs.? Rough startup?

In addition !

The only way  your seat could get hot is if your positive terminal on the battery shorted out. If that was the case would you would be seeing smoke coming from your seat.
What about if the battery is being over charged due to a faulty regulator? The battery would get hot because it's cooking.
You would smell a funky azz smell before you felt the heat. But may be a possible cause, good trouble shooting there,Ace !!
Your right about that a nice rotten egg smell.
Not necessarily my seat, but a lot of heat comes from right in front of the seat. In this Texas summer, It feels like you are on the BBQ. No problems though. Just gets hot.
Not necessarily my seat, but a lot of heat comes from right in front of the seat. In this Texas summer, It feels like you are on the BBQ. No problems though. Just gets hot.
Thats your header exhaust and engine block heat you feel there.  Dont wear short unless you want a roasted weinnier.

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This our hottest day this year and my bike has been sitting in the sun all day. I am guaranteed bumper-to-bumper traffic for 8 miles going home so it should be as hot as it's gonna get. When I get home I'll get a temperature reading and post it tomorrow.
my butt gets hot at track days from excessive vibration/friction but it's not the seat... it's my butt! happens on extended long trips also. I just thought it was friction. my seat is stock. I've never noticed actual overheating or anything
Yep Rythm, no shorts on this bike. That frame gets mighty toasty! Besides, don't want to be a dumba$$ and end up with rash on the rear!
YES! My rear gets very toasty if I'm riding over 30 minutes or so. I'm talking the frame is quite hot to the touch and my First Gear Fuel pants and tighty whities are soaked after I get off the bike. Sorry if too much info, but the Order of the Soggy Diaper is definitely merited after a ride of any duration.

Michelle, you agreed on the "hot seat", ever checked under the seat for cause or do you just think engine/exhaust etc?

I NEVER have a problem with overheating, but the whole bike just gets HOT. I'm looking forward to winter.
with all the knuckle dragging i do...i sit on the back seat to comfirtably ride...so dont know if seat gets hot....jk
Thankyou for all of yor input. I know last week when the rectifier and battery cooked I though I was burning up with it!!!!! It was almost 90 yesterday and a nice long ride out to Mt.Rainier. I'm probably just being paranoid.I just don't want her to be broken again or worry about electrical problems. thank-you again:)
Do you trust the technicians at your service center? All of the above points could be causing the excessive heat problem. However, the seat is a good insulator and I can't imagine enough heat transmitting through it to actually warm your bottom so much that it is uncomfortable. Odds are that the area below it was venting extra heat onto the bottom of your thighs due to the rectifier failure and you perceived this as a hot seat. Thing is that if the root cause of the electronics failure was not eliminated it is highly likely that it will reoccur. Things such as an improperly routed, pinched or abrazed harness could have everything to do with the fault. This could be a very isolated occurance in assembly or a defect in a wiring component.
You hear of failures like this in fully loaded (drawing more current, creating more heat) older GoldWings with lots of extra bells and whistles such as lights and sound systems.
There are two ports in the tailsection that would allow heat to escape. One is normally closed, you could just pop off the tail and unscrew the cover off the closed one to get more venting.
While you're at it, take a very good look at the harnesses because a thorough visual inspection is the first step in effective troubleshooting and will more often than not lead to the cause.