what the hell

Marriage is sacred, an oath to GOD which promises till death you will stand by a person. No stipulations on working too much or not spending time or buying flowers. If she left, maybe that was GOD's plan dude. Maybe you'll find someone that appreciates a hard working man. They cant have both worlds. I hear the same crap. My wife used to complain about me not spending time with her. I worked full time and ran a sideline business selling/installing automotive audio-video acessories. But, she never refused them BIG FACE $100 bills though. Now I'm home alot trying to spend quality time and she wont shut the hell up:11zhuh::argue:. Sometimes I think single wouldnt be a bad idea, but being a good guy I just ignore it. I dont understand it. In 4 years:3 new cars ,4 cruises, Disney vacation and numerous weeked outings to the coast and shopping trips. And did I point out she hasnt worked in 9yrs. All I can tell you is abstinace is a beautiful thing in the beginning of a relationship. We get our selves in jams by being disobedient.:rulez: If you obstain from having sex when you start dating a person you see things MORE clearly:whistle:. Instead we judge everything by the SEX, then 10 years later when that aspect of the relationship has played out you then realize you have NOTHING in common with your mate:banghead:. If you really think about it, all the signs were there from the beginning???. We just get blind and stupid by some fresh azz and how big a freak the are(sorry ladies) but same for you. That dude was livung with moms and unemployed then, he just knocked fire from ya azz and you got hooked like a catfish on a treble hook.:rofl:

I'm sorry to hear what happened. I feel ya pain, trust me... I do
ladies and gents I appreciate all the advice and I can honestly say that i wish I can say that i was a good husband and father but deep down i can't, maybe bcus i wasnt there when she and my kids needed me the most which makes the whole thing even more difficult cus i ultimately had the solution for the problem. My father raised me to work hard and provide and I did the best I could but I didnt provide the most important thing they needed which was love and attention and for that i torment myself every single day. I know that women that are neglected are so easily drawn by others that pay attention to them and tell them what they want to hear. If i had an opportunity to redo it all over i definitely would pay attenttion to her and my children and tell them every single day that i love them and i care for them. But, i can't change anything that has happened and she has someone that pays attention to her now, all i can do is take care of my kids and tell them and show them that i love them THANKS LADIES AND GENTS FOR THE ADVICE AND FOR LETTING ME VENT I FIGURED I WOULD POST ON HERE SINCE ALL MY FREE TIME I SPEND RIDING MY BIKE TO CLEAR MY MIND AND THOUGHTS THANK YOU ALL.:bowdown:

Now go out there and find yourself a nice 21 year old! :thumbsup:
You just got a second chance to find the right one. Don't waste that gift by settling for the first thing to pay attention to you now that you are lonely. Being single is MUCH better than being with the wrong one! Trust me and set a time limit on how long you are going to be single before even entertaining the thought of getting serious again. It will save you a lot of heartache as I have seen friends jump from one relationship to the next just to be with someone. It isn't worth it. Take some time to find yourself again and spend it with your girls and some good friends. You will be glad you did later.
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Be Yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She Puts up with my **** !!!!!!!!

I Put up with Her **** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 years and Going Strong :super:
Ohh dude, dont beat yourself up to much on this. Accept your part of the blame but remember if someone wasnt getting their needs met it was her responsibility to communicate her desires. Please find a way to forgive youself and just love on your children every chance you get.
I agree with BusaMom and BusaJules; it's not a bad thing to go along with certain gender roles. You don't have to be a caveman but confidence is a huge turn-on and assertiveness is a sign of confidence. There is nice and wimpy or nice and strong. The other thing to remember is that actions speak louder than words. With all of that said, I picked Lurch and even though he may try to deny it, he is an extremely nice guy. Good luck!
Marriage is sacred, an oath to GOD which promises till death you will stand by a person. No stipulations on working too much or not spending time or buying flowers. If she left, maybe that was GOD's plan dude. Maybe you'll find someone that appreciates a hard working man. They cant have both worlds. I hear the same crap. My wife used to complain about me not spending time with her. I worked full time and ran a sideline business selling/installing automotive audio-video acessories. But, she never refused them BIG FACE $100 bills though. Now I'm home alot trying to spend quality time and she wont shut the hell up:11zhuh::argue:. Sometimes I think single wouldnt be a bad idea, but being a good guy I just ignore it. I dont understand it. In 4 years:3 new cars ,4 cruises, Disney vacation and numerous weeked outings to the coast and shopping trips. And did I point out she hasnt worked in 9yrs. All I can tell you is abstinace is a beautiful thing in the beginning of a relationship. We get our selves in jams by being disobedient.:rulez: If you obstain from having sex when you start dating a person you see things MORE clearly:whistle:. Instead we judge everything by the SEX, then 10 years later when that aspect of the relationship has played out you then realize you have NOTHING in common with your mate:banghead:. If you really think about it, all the signs were there from the beginning???. We just get blind and stupid by some fresh azz and how big a freak the are(sorry ladies) but same for you. That dude was livung with moms and unemployed then, he just knocked fire from ya azz and you got hooked like a catfish on a treble hook.:rofl:

I'm sorry to hear what happened. I feel ya pain, trust me... I do

Disregard this load of crap. Hopefully you already have. You have to take responsibility for your relationships and chalking it up to being "God's plan" will only lead you to another failed relationship. This is not to be disrespectful but to look at the reality of things and the complexity of interpersonal relationships. I think your own introspection as displayed in your last post says a lot about you, all of it good. We all make mistakes and looking in the mirror and being honest with ourselves about them is the only way not to make the same mistakes a second time.

You have to keep your life in balance. Relationships are a two way street and have to be worked but if you put a greater importance on work that is all you will be left with. That said, it is hard to have a relationship and be homeless at the same time. It is all about balance, putting people first and material things second.

Look closely at WWJDs advice it looks pretty good.

It will all work out brother.
Riding is a good way to do it and man the state of the world today you almost need to work you @ss off just to be safe. If she didn't want to work it out or bring it to your attention then it's not all your bad. It would seem that there was more to it than just that because if she wanted to work it out she would have mentioned it versus just saying that's it. Take some time to find you and it'll all work itself out. I know it doesn't feel that way now but it will and when you least expect it. Sorry to hear man.
Okay.. I'm standing up for the woman species... You can't buy love.. a big house and new car and other possessions don't say I love you like a random hug and kiss, a flower every now and then (wild ones are the best), or just spending time together.

I'm speaking from my point of view.. I do realize there are a lot of gold diggers among my species... but there are a lot of us good girls too.

As far as dating.. BE YOU.. don't sugarcoat it, if you aren't a sweet person.. don't try and be just to get someone.. if you are not really macho.. don't act like it... cuz when you start acting like yourself.. the relationship goes south... oh and don't act creepy.

Good luck man.. okay... back to y'all's caveman talk...

+100000! Well said girl.

I am having the same issue finding a good man. I keep getting used up and left for some damn woman who cant do shyt for themselves. Whoever said men like independant women was crazy!

So instead I focus on my daughter and my BUSA! So there!

Keep fighting the good fight and you will be rewarded...Eventually...I hope...:please::please:
okay.. I'm standing up for the woman species... You can't buy love.. A big house and new car and other possessions don't say i love you like a random hug and kiss, a flower every now and then (wild ones are the best), or just spending time together.

I'm speaking from my point of view.. I do realize there are a lot of gold diggers among my species... But there are a lot of us good girls too.

As far as dating.. Be you.. Don't sugarcoat it, if you aren't a sweet person.. Don't try and be just to get someone.. If you are not really macho.. Don't act like it... Cuz when you start acting like yourself.. The relationship goes south... Oh and don't act creepy.

Good luck man.. Okay... Back to y'all's caveman talk...

do you need a second wife?? :poke: i'm pretty easy to get along with.. I just like expensive toys.. And my busa is paid for. :cheerleader:

lmao meee tooo!!
Dino covered the points I wanted to discuss. You are on the right path to get over the b!tch. The Busa is a great therapist and the social opportunities it provides are valuable. You've reflected on your perceived errors and that may have taught you to pay attention to the feedback you are getting from your woman. However, don't be afraid to stand your ground and call bullsh!t on some on the drama you'll catch from females in the future. Do yourself a favor and kick them out if they are acting foolish. Doing so will help to screen the ones with potential and the ones you don't want to call back. Accept your role as the man in the household and play it how you feel is right. You are in for a very good time once you get back in the saddle so don't hurry to shack up with the first taker. Play the long game and take a shot at being a bachelor for a good while. Odds are that you'll find more women value you than you give yourself credit for.
Disregard this load of crap. Hopefully you already have. You have to take responsibility for your relationships and chalking it up to being "God's plan" will only lead you to another failed relationship. This is not to be disrespectful but to look at the reality of things and the complexity of interpersonal relationships. I think your own introspection as displayed in your last post says a lot about you, all of it good. We all make mistakes and looking in the mirror and being honest with ourselves about them is the only way not to make the same mistakes a second time.

You have to keep your life in balance. Relationships are a two way street and have to be worked but if you put a greater importance on work that is all you will be left with. That said, it is hard to have a relationship and be homeless at the same time. It is all about balance, putting people first and material things second.

Look closely at WWJDs advice it looks pretty good.

It will all work out brother.

Load of crap? Are you in a healthy relationship? Are you happily married?

All I'm trying to say is sometimes things happen and its on our behalf. We may not understand at the time, but thats life. We arent supposed too understand everything all the time.
Load of crap? Are you in a healthy relationship? Are you happily married?

All I'm trying to say is sometimes things happen and its on our behalf. We may not understand at the time, but thats life. We arent supposed too understand everything all the time.

I am in a wonderful relationship, but it takes work and communication. It takes being honest and taking responsibility for the relationship. I think your notion that "we are not supposed to understand" is an easy way of justifying not taking responsibility.
Posted via Mobile Device
I am in a wonderful relationship, but it takes work and communication. It takes being honest and taking responsibility for the relationship. I think your notion that "we are not supposed to understand" is an easy way of justifying not taking responsibility.
Posted via Mobile Device

I think we may be comparing apples to oranges. I think I explained all these things are being done. But, regardless of what I do she complains. All I hear is what happened 10-15 years ago. Some people are so focused on the past, they destroy their futures. I'm no angel, I've come a long way.

Ex: When I was in my 20's I would stay out all night, drinking and running the streets. She used to be mad, but would get over it quick. I was young and stupid, I think everyone hit that phase. But, I opened my eyes and changed my ways. I made a 360 degree change. Got focused and set my goals on a new career, and accomplished those goals.No going out, stopped drinking & smoking. Started taking family vacations and spending time with the family. Now, all I here is you havent been doing it, you used to do this and that. How can someone hold you to something that was done when I was 19,20,21 yrs old with no commitment at the time. We were not even married???. And I was the one that pushed to get married:11zhuh:. I've been hearing this crap since 1999. 1st it was you need a better job, thats why I'm stressed. Then it was we need to move(did that), then I need a new car(3new cars later) same thing. Now she's fussing RIGHT now about a NEW DAMN WASHING MACHINE:cry::argue:. I cant build one, I told her to get one delivered. but instaed i hear, if it was for the f*#@*king bike you would get it and on and on and on. I'm going take a ride before I go off in here. And you talking about being considerate and understanding.???

I dont want to be a thread jacker but felt it was important to clarify this.