I don't like the recoil on the airweight/airlite revolvers. I ended up getting an old steel S&W 38 and I like it a lot more than the lighter revolvers. Just my 0.02 cents
I don't like the recoil on the airweight/airlite revolvers. I ended up getting an old steel S&W 38 and I like it a lot more than the lighter revolvers. Just my 0.02 cents
Maby something in the middle?
Night guard:
.357 Magnum 8 Shot Revolver - YouTube[/url]
I was thinking the same thing, maybe a Ruger SP101, a Great carry gun.
I have a 44 redhawk & that can only be carried in the TRUNK of a CAR...
I use my Springfield XDM .40 (16 +1) as my everyday carry. AR is in the trunk for long trips or all day outings. Call me paranoid, call it overkill, but you never know what the next person has. I pray to god, that I never have to use it in a civilian environment, but I would rather have and never use it that need and not have it.... JMO
Go with the .44
I was thinking the same thing, maybe a Ruger SP101, a Great carry gun.