What to do with these kids...very sad

Jeffery Dahmer (sp) impaled wildlife on sticks (box turtle) and walked around singing die die die die. Look how he ended up. Doesn't mean that all kids hurting animals end up the same way but it does make you wonder what kind of concepts are being taught in the home. I don't know about any video games that show abuse of animals, so we can't blame that. Hurting helpless puppies is somewhat more disturbing than the odd story due to man and dog's kinship to one another. I'll admit that my BB rifles exterminated multitudes of vermin pigeons but at least the neighborhood cats reaped the benefits. I'd like to know which one of them was the instigator.
Well enough of my rambling.
I agree that the "opportunists" start coming out of the woodwork for their 15 minutes of fame. The kids dont have a chance now...they will be reminded of this incident for the rest of their lives.

I'll admit to this - I once hit a kitten on the head when I was young because I got angry with it. It refused to drink milk from the saucer that I left for it...it refused to listen to me. I took a stick and I hit it...

I have never been the same since then...the look of shock, disappointment and agony on that kitten's face will haunt me for ever. The fact that I had made another living creature fear and hate me makes me sick to this day. I cannot make up for that sin no matter how many dogs and cats I rescue...no matter how much love I show all forms of life...

All it took was that one experience for realization...

There - thats off my chest

I am by no means an aggressive person. I am so gentle that people take advantage of the fact that a 6'3" 200lbs form with a menacing visage is actually a kitten...

Perhaps I am the kitten that I once hurt and I am being hurt in turn for my actions.

So be it...
Yes my friend, I know what you meant. There are a lot of ppl that take the part of your post that I quoted and use that as a basis for debasing therapy. No offense was intended and none was taken.

I was not able to locate the sound bite that was played on the radio this afternoon, however it was an interview of one the the child's mother responding.

She was laughing a little in the 15 second sound bite, and basically said they are sorry it happened, but that about it. I guess what disturbed listeners to the talk radio show was the laughter in the Mother voice...Yes laughing...sorta Messed-up if you ask me. And the child has been "Grounded".

Anyhow, here is a little video from the local news on the incident.

Video Clip, Works in IE, but had problems loading it in FireFox
what a shame... the poor animal didn't have a chance against 3 boys...
I really didn't think about the incident at first, just reacted to 3 boys killing a puppy, they should strapped for what they did.
Then I watched the video and the puppies owner points out how helpless the puppy could have been, yelping and in pain with no one to turn to for comfort or protection...
That reminded me of the two soldiers who were tortured and killed...

Man what is the world coming to? Just makes me sad that all this crap is going on.
Tkae a belt to the kids for what they did!  Charge the parents with neglect, and sue them to cause them financial pain, for what they didn't do (teach their kids that tourturing and killing animals for fun isn't acceptable behaviour)!

VA and usn...Go to the corner!

Anyone here know how much psychology has helped the kids that do these things?
Ask the students of Columbine!  They've had lots of counseling.


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Tkae a belt to the kids for what they did!  Charge the parents with neglect, and sue them to cause them financial pain, for what they didn't do (teach their kids that tourturing and killing animals for fun isn't acceptable behaviour)!

VA and usn...Go to the corner!

Anyone here know how much psychology has helped the kids that do these things?
Ask the students of Columbine!  They've had lots of counseling.

Earlier I mentioned some menacing things I did as a kid, yes provoked and following the group. But when I finally got caught, between my dads belt and my mom swing the freshly cut switch off the maple tree I decided to toss the old pellet gun in the creek. But now-a-days you can't even smack a child on the but with a bare hand or that soon becomes the latest at 6 news break.

I would venture to say these kids have no concept of life and death and that's to be expected when they are probably exposed to on average 4 hours of TV a day and 180,000 acts of viloence from network television alone. and the parents are probably nowhere around to explain reality. I overheard a child say not too long ago, Son- "mommy I thought that man was dead, I saw him die" Mommy- "he's not dead, that wasn't real, it was just another movie". Not that I'm blaming TV or trying to start a big issue about it but how does a 4-10 year distinguish between reality and "it's just a movie"?
old way...is the best way...talk to kids, not going to work...pain is the only medicines for them...until they grow up...why they can't see this, can't smoke, can't drink, but the rest they can do just like an adults...they don't have any responsibilty to think about...
Val....you slug.....change yer freakin avatar!
Hmmm.... Aparently You having a problem with me been his hero, do you?

Not that anybody cares.. but I think this avatar madness is frigging stupid... I can not recognize anyone anymore, since 75% of the members are so frigging creative that they have BUSA in theirs names...
They were hunting.... Just like they dads do....

In reality I`m so angry I can`t think of any other reason for homo sapience puppy to kill another puppy.
The best way to teach those little bastards...... would be to beat their parrent with a stick in front of them.... Not to death.... but hard..

-See Jonny, that puppy felt the same......
If it is true that these children beat a dog to death in the way that they did, I hope their parents teach them why their actions were wrong. It is important to teach children that violence is wrong; and, what makes "self-defense" different. With so much violence depicted in media (and seen by children), it is natural that some of these young minds act like sponges and experiment with what they learned on TV. Parents need to teach and guide them with love, patience, and care.

This article brings to light a greater question that has oft been deliberated by lawmakers and social workers. How should parents educate their children, and to what extent should the state intervene when parents can't do that job.

I commend the poster and the news provider for bringing this story to our attention. From these basic questions, we look at the bigger issues.
Kids will be kids, stay with me before you attack, however, to address the "psyche doubters", there is always a reasoning behind behavior. Being a Psychology major myself, people don't just do things in order to do them. This could be an isolated incident and the children grow up like responsible adults. However, they may be future killers who grow up through the penal system, all depends on various things. There is much more to these kids besides a dead puppy, don't get me wrong because i love animals and could never hurt one, and accusations that the parents are not attentive to their childrens needs. Hopefully this is an isolated incident and all involved move on in positive ways...
up to the parents!! It's none of our buisness and we should keep our nose out, I cant belive that made the news. When most of us were kids we would have got the belt across our buts and that would have been the end of it, now it goes on the news and it becomes a community issue. That is what is wrong with our country now, people cant mind their own buisness!!!
AMEN Now you can go to jail for Spanking your kids .When i was coming up (im 38) did something wrong wether it be in a shopping center parking lot in the store or right in front of a manager my mom would tan my hide no days you go to jail for child abuse if you do not believe me go to your local Mcdonalds and spank your kid when they act up ..Problem is our government wants to control everything .If them was my kids i would take them home get them to get a switch tell them its going to hurt me more then it hurts them and proceed on whipping some tail ..Then i might try and see if i could go to a funeral home and try and explain why and what happens in life in death ,.. Willing to bet that there is a lack of discipline in the parents of them 3 kids if there is 2 parents .Yes im rambling but i get sick and tired of everyone blaming the kids.. KIDS ARE ONLY AS GOOD AS THERE TEACHERS(PARANTS)