Doing my first oil change for the 08 Busa.
Basically everything is stock.
Looking into using synthetic. Any specific type?
Running a "motorcycle specific" full synthetic oil is probably one of the best things you can do for your bike,and the sooner the better(many new performance oriented cars now come straight from the factory with a full synthetic oil,and Brock has been known to break in brand new motors[especially stroker motors]on the dyno using full synthetic oil).I had 22,000 miles on my turbo bike using Motul 300V 10W40 and the clutch never slipped the least bit,and you'll probably also immediately notice smoother shifting,etc.If builders/tuners/racers like Steve Knecum(Knecum Performance Engines),Johnnycheese,Brock Davidson,Moto GP teams,etc. all swear by full synthetic oil you can rest assured it's the right way to go.