What was he thinking?


Was coming home in my cage today, when I see a bike coming up behind me with his right signal on (good), I'm turning on the same road so I move toward the center so he won't have to wait at the light. He passes me on my right (no problem). As he passes, I notice he has a helmet, it's securely attached to the passenger seat.

I get the light and turn behind him.

I am confused because he's doing 4 mph with his right signal still on. I soon see why as he pulls out a cell phone and places it to his ear.

There was room to go around him and some other cager might have tried possibly resulting in a crash. I thought of how lucky he was that I ride too and was looking out for him.

This was a first for me, cell phone on a bike while driving.
How can riders ccomplain about cagers on the phone if it's a common thing now on bikes?

Now that I think about it, the outcome could have been bad if we were both pretending to be important.
Hopefully talking on the phone and texting while riding ISN'T becoming mainstream...if it is, we're doomed...