What was I REALLY doing?


Well, Sunday I rode with a bunch of older folk (I say this because I was the youngest there at 27) on ST1300's, a BMW (the sport model), an FJR1300, a Buell, a GixxerK, and a ZZR-1200.

Let me say, I was running almost balls out and the ST1300 ridden by a friend of mine was having no trouble staying in front of me (he is a helluva rider though). In the pack I ran second or third the entire time. Didn't know the roads too well but was feeling pretty confident. Us three front bikes would have to wait at intersections for the others to catch up but we were having a blast.

Anyway, well into the ride I was getting tired. The roads were wearing me out as I've never run so hard for so long. After a particularly twisty bit of road (35mph TOPS - marked 15mph) there was a straight of about 2 miles. I just let her have it. Took it up to 185 (indicated). So here is my question. Barring changes due to tire and what not... what was the ole Bus likely running? I didn't have my GPS with me so I don't know. I've never run that fast and don't intend to again so its not like I can just throw the GPS on and do it again.

Not THAT big of a deal but just curious. I was guessing in the neighborhood of 160-165. Too low? Too high?
You can figure on 5-8% speedo error so at 185 you were probably doing 170(8%) - 175(5%). Is this correct fellas?
dependign on a few things, I THEEENK 185 is like 170. BUT.... did you get beyond 185 on the speedo? the new busa limits to 186 but I dont know if that is actual or speedo based.... did it keep pulling you after you 185'd the needle? still going up in 6th gear? that's still smoking fast and, liek I keep saying, faster than 99.5 percent of all the people on the planet will EVER go!
I glanced down, saw 185 come up hard (it was still pulling hard btw) and I let off the gas and started reeling her in as the straight was running out.
The higher your speeds go up, the higher the % off your speedo is, generally. Prolly anywhere from 7-11% off. I have bumped this with a GPS on my bike. My top speed actual is 185 mph, but read 210mph! I have a yellow box, but that is only accurate up to 150 mph. After that, it's off a couple mph.